I glanced at Havros who leaned over the table to answer. “I’m certain you’ve heard of Arek Yesayan. I understand he’s made your life miserable. Unfortunately, he made some enemies inside his own organization. However, you can’t talk with them since Arek just had them exterminated.”
The three of them glanced back and forth. I shoved the file across the table. “Have a look. You tell me if the information is of any importance to you.”
While Sheila was looking it over, Gregory leaned forward. “Where is my daughter?”
“She’s currently at my father’s house with Magnum enjoying some down time. What she endured in almost getting herself killed while attempting to save two members of my family has been traumatic.”
“If you hurt her, so help me God.”
David glanced over at him then back to me. “From what I understand, Senator, the two of them are close. What’s your role in all of this, Don Coppola?”
“I’m here as a partner with the Nomikos Corporation. We have interest in expanding our diamond industry to the United States. In doing so, we will be purchasing several facilities for use, providing jobs and bringing a significant amount of money into your fair city.”
The Don reminded me of my father. He could be downright vicious when he wanted, but had an aura of pure sophistication.
David acted as if his statement was questionable. They weren’t stupid by any means. They knew exactly what we were telling them. Because we’d shared information that would allow for a dozen or more high-profile arrests, they would look the other way while we were doing business in New York.
It was a simple deal.
Only they knew we would back it up with violence if necessary.
We waited as the information was passed to both the senator and the district attorney. They were good at keeping blank faces, not reacting in any way.
Finally, the senator looked directly into my eyes. “My daughter believes in you. I’m not certain why, but given the information provided, I must trust in you that you mean no harm to Valencia. She is my little girl, but I’m also a man who’s spent the last two years attempting to break the cycle of secrecy surrounding not only the Medicaid fraud, but their methods of extortion and blackmail. While I will not provide you with any details, it will be my recommendation that the people involved should be prosecuted. Sheila?”
She didn’t appear happy. “You seem to have more than adequate evidence. As long as it proves to be accurate, we won’t attempt to keep your business operations from coming into the state of New York. However, if you choose to bring crime into our city, I assure you I will do my best to help the district attorney in prosecuting you to the full extent of the law. Is that understood?”
“Completely,” I told her. “And I hope you understand that we will not tolerate any interference whatsoever.” It was the only threat I’d issue today, but given they knew of our reputations, I felt certain they’d do the right thing in feigning ignorance.
I rose from the table at the same time both the Don and my brother did. “We have copies of everything provided to you. We won’t hesitate to use the evidence as a weapon of choice if necessary. I’m certain you know what I mean.”
If they didn’t use the information provided, I could ruin them and wouldn’t hesitate doing so.
It was good to have so much power.
I continued mulling over the power we wielded as Elias headed for the facility where Carl had been waiting a couple of days for our arrival.
With no intentions of wasting my time interrogating him for long, I would at least be allowed to enjoy taking out some of my anger on a man who’d come close to robbing me of such pleasure in meeting Valencia.
For that alone, he would pay a painful price.
“I don’t need to be in on this. I’ll update Dimitrios on how the meeting went.” Havros was already pulling out his phone.
“Just be careful, brother. I don’t like the odds we’ve faced up to this point.” I wouldn’t put it past Arek to try to remove us from this earth before we had a chance to leave.
“Careful is my middle name. Oh, wait. Isn’t that yours?”
He was able to laugh while I continued to ponder everything I’d seen and heard.
I was still anxious and wasn’t certain why. That made me dangerous. But nothing would keep me from handling this course of business just like I did with everything else.
“He’s in here, boss,” Elias told me.
“And the people keeping him?”