“Remain outside and surround the property. Have a couple men watch the street,” Havros directed Jonas. “If you see anything of concern, let us know.”
“Will do, sir.” Havros directed his men while Elias moved to join me. With Luca on duty protecting Valencia, several of Dimitrios’ men and my father’s soldiers keeping an eye on my parents’ home in Athens, I felt confident there wouldn’t be any trouble while we were gone.
Yet I was very eager to return.
“How do you feel about meeting your future father-in-law?” Havros continued pushing me.
I gave him a hard look. “I suggest you keep your mouth shut, bro.”
“Or what are you going to do?”
“Do you really want to find out?”
We’d become closer over the last year, something I never thought would happen since we were two entirely different people. Death and birth had a way of doing that.
“Nah, I’ll skip it. Take the lead on this. I can’t wait to see Senator Laurant’s reaction to you.”
“You and I might end up in a dark alley if you continue teasing me.”
“You have a wonderful family, Christos. You are very lucky.” Don Coppola was a man of few words, but I knew how strongly he felt about Havros, who he turned to. “Incidentally, I would like to offer you and your lovely bride my estate in Palermo, Sicily for your honeymoon since tragedy claimed yours. I think Kara will love the horses and watersports as well as my vineyards.”
“I know we’d both be honored, Don Coppola. Thank you and I’ll mention it to Kara upon our return.”
“Please do. There’s also a lovely festival your beautiful boy will enjoy even at his young age.”
All of us laughed as we gathered outside the cottage. At least there was only one other house on the road about four blocks down. Still, the place could be easy to find. I only hoped the senator had backup or he’d be a sitting duck.
“Come, gentlemen,” I told them. “I’m certain we’d all like to return home to our families.”
“Is it true I understand another set of wedding bells will be rung very soon?”
I shook my head at the Don’s question. “It would be preferrable if Valencia heard it from me before everyone else plans the wedding.”
“Of course. Just remember that good women are very tough for men like us to find.”
We didn’t need to knock on the door, a man I assumed was part assistant and part guard opening it for us. He appeared apprehensive when he noticed an entire contingency, but quickly welcomed us inside.
As we were led into a large kitchen, I thought about how unique it was to have a powerhouse of a meeting in a man’s humble kitchen.
While I’d seen a photograph along with reading a full dossier on Gregory Laurant, I would have easily known who he was because of the resemblance he shared with his daughter.
“Senator Laurant, Christos Nomikos. My brother Havros.”
“Yes, I know who you are,” the senator said. While he shook my hand, I sensed he didn’t want to be in this meeting.
I glanced quickly at the two other people at the table: a male and female. Both were wearing what I’d called traditional federal agent attire. That extended to members of the prosecutor’s office as well, although the woman was dressed to impress.
Senator Laurant noticed I was checking the two of them out. “This is the district attorney for New York City, David Brennan and Sheila Giles of the justice department. They have both reviewed the information you already presented. Please, have a seat.”
Our soldiers stood behind us, obviously creating anxiety in each of them, although Sheila was the calmest of the three. We accepted the gesture and I pulled out a file that also contained the jump drive provided by Davit.
“You have the information promised?” the senator asked.
“We do. You are aware of the deal made with this man?” I asked absently, glancing at the three sitting across the table.
“As I’ve repeatedly told Senator Laurant, we don’t make deals with known criminals and what you’ve provided isn’t enough to make any arrests or even start an investigation.” Sheila was taking the bull by the horns. I found it fascinating she had a computer in front of her as if ready to process the gift we were offering.
“In addition, Mr. Nomikos,” David said, “we also weren’t told of the source providing the material.”