On this day I craved power.
I also longed for vengeance.
The feeling was stronger than it had been before and I wasn’t certain why other than my instincts were screaming that the deal made with Gregory Laurant was dicey at best. Although he was uncertain what intentions I had regarding his daughter, so at least he would remain pliable for the near future.
If not, perhaps I’d take out my frustrations on his face.
No, I couldn’t do that to Valencia. She loved her father, even respected him to a point. But I’d seen the look on her face more than once. She believed her father was capable of anything. While I’d gone over every photograph and every detail provided on the man with a fine-tooth comb, what I hadn’t learned was how close he was to Mr. Baker. They’d been photographed in a single picture together.
“You talked,” I told Gregory Laurant with no pretense and no anger in my voice.
He sighed. “I mentioned it to one associate.”
“Get rid of them. You need to get to a safe location so we can meet. You should also make contact with the justice department. You’ll need protection whether or not you agree to go forward with the evidence provided.”
“Fine, Mr. Nomikos. I will meet with you and your colleagues. If you have the information alluded to by my daughter’s call and subsequent email, then we won’t have an issue. I assure you if this is meant as a decoy or an attack, you’ll quickly learn I’m not a man you want to go up against. And I can handle my own safety.”
Being back in New York was not what I wanted, yet was what was required.
As soon as we’d landed, everyone had been put on high alert. Every contact we’d ever made both inside New York and the surrounding states had been contacted to see if they knew anything. While there were substantial rumors and tips regarding Arek Yesayan and his regime, none of them had been deemed but so credible at this point.
“I assure you that I am a highly respected man of my word. I’ve effectively offering you a golden ticket to stardom, Senator Laurant. I suggest you not look a gift horse in the mouth.”
He laughed, but I sensed a hit of nervousness in the man.
Good. I wanted him nervous. I’d made a promise to Valencia I’d keep him safe, but unfortunately, all bets were off if the man betrayed me.
That seemed to be going around like the plague.
“Understood, Christos. What do you want in return?”
“You should already know that answer. Complete immunity from any accusations that might be tossed our way plus a paved golden road to allow us to continue our business in such a beautiful city. That’s being hindered by both Kenneth Baker and the control your friend Senator Stern has over his own son. That needs to end.”
“That’s going to be tough to demand,” he barked out as if he was in charge. Did he not understand his life was in danger, as well as the life of his daughter?
“You’re a highly respected man within the Senate and from what I’ve gathered, you have influential friends in various arenas. Trust me, the business brought into your lovely country will be on the up and up.”
“I’ll do what I can, but I can’t make any promises.”
“Just remember your daughter would like to return to New York one day.” Using her name was a low blow even for me, but I knew keeping the man on edge was the best way of also keeping him honest.
“If you fucking touch her, I will hunt you down.”
“I think you know what would happen, but if it will make you feel any better, I’m not in the habit of hurting women.”
I’d allow him to think what he wanted from my inference.
He was befuddled, his breathing labored. The man was exactly where I wanted him to be. I knew what he was going through was difficult. He stood a chance of being ostracized from his friendsand colleagues while also being labeled a hero. At least by the justice department.
“Fine. I have a secure location no one knows about.” He rattled off the address.
“We’ll be there in thirty minutes.” I ended the call without any additional formalities. I’d allowed him to choose the meeting location, my only request that it be held in private in a secure location. This wasn’t about gloating given our explosive knowledge. This was about laying down the final course of action.
“I guess the man isn’t thrilled in meeting with us,” Havros told me. He’d insisted he tag along or maybe I should say Dimitrios had insisted he had. While the situation was too volatile to have all three of us in the same place at the same time, having a strong backup while in a country that hadn’t proven to be very friendly was an asset.