“Apparently not all of them.” She laughed, but I could sense such anxiety.
“I need to tell you…” When we both started talking at the same time using the same words, I shook my head while she slapped her hand across her mouth.
“You first,” I told her.
“I just wanted to tell you that I don’t blame you for anything. We connected. We’re adults. We made a decision to enjoy each other’s company and blaming you for what I decided isn’t fair. I don’t know what to expect in the future. I don’t know about getting my job back or even if I want to.”
I crowded her space, realizing my pulse was racing. “What are you certain about?” This time, I brushed the same strand of hair from her face, putting it gently behind her ear.
“Meaning I know it’s crazy and I’m probably overthinking this, but I care about you. I want to be with you more than anything. Yes, I know we barely know each other and you probably don’t feel the same, but I was convinced I needed to tell you by some women who are obviously much smarter than I am. So, here I am, telling you that if you won’t mind, I’d like to stay. I don’t know for how long, but I enjoy being with you and your family and?—”
Instead of allowing her to finish, I wrapped my hand around the back of her neck, crushing my mouth over hers. I held my lips with hers, barely moving for a few seconds.
She was tense at first, finally rolling both arms around my neck. My brothers and father were correct. The thought of losing her was something I couldn’t accept.
I swept my tongue inside as I pulled her closer and when she tangled her fingers in my hair, I was certain the only home I needed was with her.
The kiss became rougher, more intense as we allowed ourselves to be caught up in the moment. Yet there were some things to say before I jetted off to New York where it was always possible I wouldn’t return.
As I broke the kiss, hearing her soft whimpers pulled on the protective man inside. “I need to tell you something and just wait before you say anything. Okay?”
“Okay,” she said and tilted her head so she could look into my eyes.
“I’m falling in love with you, Valencia. I didn’t know I had that in me any longer. Maybe I was just trying so hard to keep my distance I locked out all the best parts of me. At least those taught to me by my mother.” I laughed, not meaning for the sound to be so hollow. “I’ve been so determined to keep you both with me and safe, I didn’t think about your needs. I apologize for that and I can’t change what’s happened already, but I will do what I can to make you happy.”
“Love? You’re falling in love with me?” She held a slight hint of lilt in her voice. There was also a light mist in her eyes.
“Lady, more than you know. Enough I’m willing to die to keep you safe. I need to ask you to do something for me. Stay here while a few of us return to New York to handle business.”
“Aren’t you going to wait to see what my father says?”
“If he’s on the up and up and he mentions the call or the email to the wrong person, his life will be in danger.”
Her eyes opened wide and she gripped my shirt. “He’ll be a target.”
“Possibly. I won’t allow that to happen, but it means we need to act fast.” I had no intention of telling her he already was.
“When are you leaving?”
“In the morning. You’re staying here. Please don’t fight me on this. I will not lose you. You’ll be safe here. I promise you.”
“What about you?”
I shifted my hand from around her neck. “I have all the incentive I need to return, my beautiful angel. You. Try not to worry. I’ll make certain your family is protected.”
“What if he’s not who he claims himself to be?”
“Try not to think about that. You’ve made me more of a civilized man.” I lifted her arm, rubbing one finger across Magnum’s name on her bracelet. “My special angel.”
“Don’t get yourself killed, Christos. Not when I finally found the man I could love for all eternity.”
She had no idea how profound the words were to me.
I would burn down the entire goddamn world if it meant keeping her safe.