Page 122 of The Enforcer

“Money doesn’t make me happy any longer.” While a true statement, I wasn’t certain why I’d bothered muttering the words.

I wasn’t certain which of the three was chuckling the loudest.

Elias cleared his throat. A few top soldiers had remained in the room. “The informant who likely betrayed us was found in Brooklyn last night.”

I snapped my head in his direction. “About damn time.”

His face was ashen. “He spouted off some shit about information getting to the judicial system.”

“Well, fuck. Gregory Laurant made the mistake of talking,” I muttered.

“Then that means his life is in danger,” Dimitrios said.

“Dumb fuck. Why would he do that?” Havros huffed.

“Because he doesn’t trust me. Would you?”

Pops sighed. “We need to get to him before he’s killed. Neither you nor Valencia want that on your conscience.”

I nodded. “Keep the fucker on ice, Elias. I want him good and icy when I arrive in New York.”

“You got it, boss.”

Our father turned his head toward the soldiers. “Will you gentlemen leave us alone for a little while?” He wasn’t asking and they knew it.

Elias nodded and waited as the others left before doing so himself, closing the door afterwards. I sensed he was about to say or ask something profound.

“Do you love her, son?”

Pops wasn’t going to let this go. “I don’t think I’m capable of love.”

“Do you think about her more than you should?’’ Dimitrios asked.

“Yeah, well, that’s tough not to.”

“Would you risk your life a second or third time to save hers?” Havros added, his grin filled with so much mischief I was ready to punch it off his face.

“Okay, fine. I would stop at nothing to keep her safe. I would fucking hunt her down if she dared try and run and hide from me because I know there would be savages who’d take her life after hurting her. That’s not going to happen as long as I’m alive. She might hate me, but I simply won’t allow her life to be ruined because she made the mistake of being in the wrong place at the goddamn wrong time. Got it?”

“You’ve decided, instead of creating a bloodbath in New York, to allow federal agents to handle making arrests of those who were involved with the attack on you in New York and the subsequent incident at the house in Corfu. Correct?” Pops asked as if putting all the pieces of the puzzle together.

“Yes. I think it’s the right thing to do and best for our family,” I admitted.

“You’re heading to New York to work with the Italian Godfather on ensuring there are no issues with either one of our businesses.” He was now mandating. The man was still a powerful patriarch.

“If that’s what you want, Pops.”

He nodded. “Good. We have a plan and we won’t deviate from it. Now, you need to handle your personal business before you take that flight.”


“Meaning, son, you found someone you fell in love with. I know there are obstacles. There always are. In life, in business, and mostly in love. But do not allow her to get away. You will be a shell of a man if you do.”

Exhaling, I glanced out the window again, noticing just how happy she seemed. Maybe all she needed was her beloved Magnum. “I don’t know how to do that. She’s made up her mind. My instinct tells me that.”

“Have you told her you loved her?” Pops’ voice was gruffer than before.

“She doesn’t want to hear that.”