Now I was getting pissed. “No fair, Dad. I can make up my own mind about things just like you can. You taught me to beindependent and cautious. That’s what I’ve been my entire life. We were almost killed at a wedding because so many fear the Nomikos family and what they can do.”
“That should include you,” my dad insisted.
“As I said, I’m very cautious. I only look at the evidence that’s right in front of me. Christos and his entire family are good people. They’re close. They work hard. They care about their community.”
“Ri-ight. Why would Kenneth Baker consider a sudden change in business operations?” My dad was ready to laugh.
“Because he was promised a share of the new trade industry in exchange for his assistance in several land development deals. It’s a twisted game with several highly respected men and women on the take. Don’t underestimate the power and tyranny of the Armenian leadership. They don’t need to stand out in a city full of crime syndicates. They lie in wait, watching and preparing. That’s exactly what they are doing.” Christos was succinct in his words, the discussion exactly what we’d discussed.
“And you’re telling me you have evidence of this?” he barked.
I glanced at Christos who nodded. Leaning over, I typed my father’s secure email address. “I’m sending you some preliminary information, Dad. You should be able to take it to the district attorney. If you find it helpful, there are several files that will provide additional evidence.”
“Why are you doing this, Valencia?”
“Because I found the woman inside, Dad. You need to trust me. Just look at the evidence.”
He half laughed as if I was losing my mind. “What kind of Kool-Aid did the man slip you so that you didn’t care about your life and the job you told me you loved so much? Do you realize that your reputation has already been damaged?”
“I’ll deal with that myself. Just see what you think and let me know.”
“You’re a smart man, Senator. I don’t believe I need to tell you that if you are part of the corruption, there are other methods to handle bringing justice to my family.”
“Are you threatening me, son?” my father challenged.
“Not at all, sir. I’m a traditional businessman with millions to lose in New York if the Armenians are allowed to continue operating as little more than thugs. From what I know of your reputation, you’ve worked too hard in your life and career, pushing against organized crime. I will call you in twenty-four hours to see what you’ve decided.”
“Then what?”
“It will depend on what you say.” Christos had an edge to his voice, his eyes piercing mine during the entire conversation.
“Fine. I’ll look it over, but I don’t know you.” My father was still incensed.
“But you do know your daughter. Trust in her instincts, Senator. She is one of the most intelligent and intuitive people I’ve ever met.”
“I don’t like this, Valencia. You should come home.”
Sighing, I hit send and pushed my laptop away. “Not until justice is served. That’s something you also taught me, Dad. Remember that?”
He didn’t bother saying goodbye, just ending the call. I dropped my head. “He doesn’t believe us.”
“Let the evidence speak for itself. Now, we have a homecoming to attend.”
“And after that?” I asked him, finally looking into his eyes all over again.
“Then we enjoy our evening. Together. As a family.”
Magnum lifted his head as if in approval. He stretched, almost falling off the couch before crawling his way down. I wasn’t surprised over the draw he had to Christos. They’d experienced an instant bond, which had told me so much about the man’s personality.
And his intentions.
His heart was full of compassion, although I wouldn’t long to be one of his enemies. I also didn’t need to know how he handled them. The inferences were enough.
Magnum wiggled his butt as usual before placing his head on Christos’ lap. As the handsome Greek god stroked my fur baby’s head, I was offered another moment of sweet peace. Having my dog with me meant more than I’d told him.
“Why did you not only agree, but want to help my family and our business?” he asked.
“Because every one of you believes deeply in family and loyalty. I admire that very much.”