“I know how to handle my father.”
“It would seem you know how to handle most men.”
Whether he was teasing or admonishing me, everything with the powerful Greek god seemed normal. That continued to poke at me. “Keep that in mind.”
He laughed and eased onto the chair beside me, a drink in his hand. We’d waited until a new day had dawned prior to making contact. While my father was often difficult to get in touch with, mornings were sacred to him, the only time he was truly alone. With the time difference, I hoped we’d determined the best time.
Christos reached over, gripping my arm briefly for encouragement. What I’d found interesting since offering my help was that I didn’t feel in any way I was betraying my family. With the evidence I’d seen, some details checked overnight with their expansive communications system, I felt confident I was doing the right thing. There’d been much more on a jump drive. The person responsible for obtaining the information had gone to great lengths to do so.
Although my father wouldn’t accept bullshit about how I came into possession of the details. He also wouldn’t approve of my relationship with a Greek mafia man under any circumstances. It might create a rift that couldn’t be repaired. I would deal with that when the time came.
This was my life and up to this point, I’d made damn good decisions.
I made the call, holding my breath as I waited to see if he’d answer.
“Jesus Christ, Valencia. I’ve been calling you.” My father was never one for huge emotions, but I could tell he was exasperated.
“Hey, Dad.” I lifted my head, studying Christos. I remained on the couch, Magnum’s head in my lap. And I was on speakerphone. “I’ve just been busy.”
“So it would seem. You’re in fucking Greece? With that man you saved?”
My father also didn’t mince words.
I shifted my attention to Christos. The man held no expression.
“I had an opportunity to enjoy myself and I did so.” I kept a slight edge in my voice. My father certainly knew me well enough to know when I wanted to do something, I would.
“With a goddamn mafia asshole? You just had to save his life. Didn’t you?”
Christos bristled, but remained quiet.
“I don’t get to choose whose life I save, Daddy. You told me many a time you admire me for my choices and my work. Now, you need to listen to me. I’m living my life the way I see fit and whatever you’ve heard about the Nomikos family is dead wrong.” I was usually never this vehement with my dad out of respect if nothing else.
Sadly, he had a way of talking over me, which drowned out any chance at having a decent conversation. That just couldn’t occur.
“What are you getting at?” he barked.
“Are you working on a special committee to eradicate Medicaid fraud?”
I could tell my direct question caught him off guard. “Who told you that?”
“Does it really matter? What does is that your good buddy Kenneth Baker and Senator Stern are taking what you discuss and turning it over to the Armenian mob. Have you ever wondered why they’ve been one step ahead of you?” Christos had mentioned Stern’s son was in charge of the land development company who’d reneged on a deal that had been in the works for months.
He laughed. “You’re on speakerphone. Should I assume we have an audience?”
Christos lifted a single eyebrow. “Good morning, Senator Laurant. My name is Christos Nomikos. Contrary to what you might have read, our family is both legitimate and highly respected. Currently, we are attempting to do business in the state of New York. That includes with the diamond exchange. Now, whether you want to believe it or not, given the heat the Armenian Power has received from your investigation, they are in the process of disbanding their current operations and shifting gears.”
“Into what?” my father snapped. No one blindsided Gregory Laurant.
“Precious gems, Dad,” I answered. “These dangerous men already own the ports. Soon, you’re going to witness significant violence and bloodshed since so many organizations want a piece of the extremely lucrative diamond exchange business.”
The silence on the other end of the line forced me to hold my breath.
“I don’t know what you’re mixed up in, Valencia, although I can tell by your siding with a common criminal how bad it must be. With no evidence, this is nothing but a witch hunt and Mr. Baker has a solid reputation in the Laborers’ Union.”
“Please, Dad. I do read the papers from time to time. He’s not well liked and has made many enemies. It’s important that you take the time to look into what’s happening in a different way and trust no one.”
“Including the man who has you wrapped around your little finger.”