“Shocking.” He placed his hand against his heart as he took a sip of his drink.
“You know you should allow me to take a look at how your wound is healing.”
“You’ve seen every inch of me. Does it appear I’m worse for the wear?”
Sighing, I reached out, touching his chest. “Not at all.”
“Nomikos men are tough.”
“Yes. Your father is doing very well, better than expected. He should be released soon. You’re all very lucky.”
The corners of his mouth lifted. “I think I’m the lucky one.”
“What are we doing with my father? I should call him.” All he’d said about his meeting was that certain ‘aspects’ had been put into perspective. Every question I’d asked after that he’d avoided.
“Why don’t we talk about that later?”
“You know I won’t let this go.”
“I am completely aware of your personality. We will talk, but not tonight. Tomorrow begins a new day and a new realm.”
I wasn’t certain why, but his words troubled me.
Yet they also excited me.
Difficult decisions. They’d been a part of my life for its entirety. Pops had taught his sons to be highly independent at early ages. That’s likely how I’d become such a rabble rouser as a teenager and beyond.
Being with Valencia after the fascinating meeting with Davit had altered my hunger to finish things in the ways I was used to doing.
In other words, eliminating any chance of either recouping their business or even basic survival. I’d become so used to taking a traditional role that anything else seemed completely unnatural. Perhaps while mulling over how or if I’d allow my heroic doctor to provide assistance, the thought of placing her in the center of my decision-making process had been born.
“You did what?” Dimitrios asked. Home from the hospital, he was already fuming over the way Davit had handled providing the information.
As he said, as if dangling a carrot we’d eventually find rotten.
I had those doubts myself, but I’d had some time to check the information he’d provided prior to taking Valencia out for a nice afternoon. While certain aspects couldn’t be proven, the evidence provided should be enough for a grand jury to be convened in New York.
It was certainly enough for one or all of us to round up the players and ease their pain in life.
I’d called Dimitrios as soon as we’d returned from the meeting, Havros and I going over the details prior to his conversation with Don Coppola.
“Why not? I’m curious what she’ll decide,” I told him.
“You’re playing one hell of a dangerous game. We can’t allow them to escape our wrath.”
“Think about it, Dimitrios. If we help the Feds, even developing a relationship with them, we could have smooth sailing in New York for the club and more important, a possible red velvet carpet leading to the doors of the New York Diamond Exchange.”
He grumbled under his breath. “You have a good point. Now, why challenge the woman you’re so damn hot over?”
“I don’t know. It seemed like the right thing to do since she offered her assistance.”
“Pops is being released in the morning. We’ll discuss it with him.”
“I think making contact with her father and presenting at least a portion of the evidence will be in our best interest.”