His chuckle could set my world on fire. “Not entirely, but about this, perhaps. Think about it tonight. We’ll decide together in the morning.”
He had to be kidding me. I didn’t know what to think. After a few seconds, I reread the information. However this had been provided for him, the detailed documents including private emails, photocopies of payments and other correspondence with what appeared to be some key players from the Medicaid Administration were explosive. Heads would roll if exposed and at least two dozen people would end up in prison.
Or they could end up with bullets in their heads.
The decision was daunting. I folded the paperwork, placing it back into the envelope, all the while quivering from the trust he’d placed in me.
Only a few minutes later we were back at the house. He parked outside the front door instead of pulling into the garage, which I thought was curious.
Saying nothing, he grabbed the envelope, shoving it into his back pocket, and jumped from the driver’s seat. The long strides he took as he moved to my side were something to watch and enjoy.
The moment he opened my door, his arm was extended inside.
“Such a gentleman.”
“Don’t let that get around for fear of ruining my reputation.”
“Don’t worry. All your secrets are safe with me.”
He led me to the front door, stopping only long enough to scan the perimeter. He would forever be a cautious man, but he had every right to be that way. It seemed strange that he opened the door cautiously.
“Are you worried someone is inside?”
“Not worried. An alarm would have sounded on my phone.” He grinned down at me as a reminder I’d managed not to trip the system.
How had I gotten so lucky?
Once inside and after he closed the door, he remained in the foyer.
“What’s going on?” I asked.
“Who said anything is going on?”
“Because I know you. Remember?”
His chuckle was so dark and deliciously dangerous an instant tremor tickled my spine. “Just trust me.”
“Hmmm… A tall order.”
“Go on. Inside.”
I gave him a hard look, which included scrunching my nose, but did as he commanded, heading toward the living room. When I was a couple of feet away, I stopped after hearing a sound. “What was that?” I asked.
“What are you talking about?”
“That sounded like someone scratching on a door.”
“I guess you need to find out.” There was a strange sound to his voice that prompted me to take quicker steps.
The moment I heard the noise again, my heart started beating erratically. “Magnum. Magnum!”
Woof. Woof!
As soon as my fur baby bounded toward me, I dropped to my knees. “Oh, my God.” Now tears refused to be stopped. I was bawling like a baby by the time Magnum jumped, placing his big paws on my shoulders. His entire backside was wiggling and he was squealing from happiness.
“Oh, God. My baby. I love you. Mommy dog loves you so much!”
Woof. Woof. Woof!