Page 107 of The Enforcer

“I have my suspicions.”

“And they are?”

He pushed his drink across the table. “Are you aware of the Armenian Power?”

“They are a United States based Armenian mafia. I understand they are heavily involved in Medicaid fraud.” I’d learned that before we’d made the determination to take our business into New York.

“Yes, and they are very successful. As well as dangerous. But given their particular choice of how they make money, they’ve never truly been on anyone’s radar as far as other crime syndicates. I have two cousins in the States, one who lives in New York. I found out he had the call made.”

“Meaning the New York Armenians are interested in killing prime members of three different crime families in Europe?” Havros did his best to keep from laughing.

“They are. And why? Because they’re switching gears.”

“They’re getting into diamonds,” I said in an off-the-cuff way as I sat back.

“Yes. They have an in with the diamond exchange in New York. They also own the ports.”

I glanced at Havros. That’s why Don Coppola had issued a warning. “I’m curious. Do they also own members of the Laborers’ Union as well as the Senate?”

He chuckled. “You’ve been doing your homework. Absolutely. My sources tell me various members were in bed with them for their racketeering operations, but the heat became extensive, including from a special committee formed by members of the judicial system as well as members of the Senate to crack down on defrauding insurance companies. They’ve taken great strides in doing so.”

My thoughts drifted to Valencia’s father.

“Then why eliminate three powerful organizations half a world away?” Havros rightfully asked.

“Because both the European Greeks and the Italians have determined the United States is still a ripe market. As far as the target placed on my family’s heads, we’ve directly opposed their tactics. They fear repercussions from various connections we have within the country. My cousin risked his life to warn me. Now, I’m warning you. If you continue look into doing business in the city or up and down the East Coast of the US, you will be challenged every step of the way.”

“Opposition doesn’t bother us,” I told him.

Davit leaned back in his chair, swirling his drink. “Perhaps not, but given the circumstances, a weakness was created.”

“Dr. Laurant.”

“Yes. I learned that only recently. When the story broke in theNew York Times, the Armenians were salivating at gaining more control of your operation while eliminating their ongoing… frustrations.”

I knew what he was getting at. Karma had dropped an eight ball in their laps. “I appreciate the information. Were you aware a bomb was placed in a gift presented to the bride and groom?”

It took him a few seconds to determine what I was saying, his eyes opening wide when he comprehended the meaning of my words. “I assure you the package provided to Havros and his lovely bride was free of bombs. My wife wrapped it herself.”

I had to take the man at face value. I nodded in acknowledgment and in truth, I believed him. It would seem circumstances and luck had played a role in allowing the Armenians to gain some sense of control. “And Kane Jones? Have you heard of the name?”

He glanced away and shook his head. “Should I?”

“He was Armenian, the photographer.”

Davit dropped his gaze. “Be careful who you allow into your organization at this point in time. I assure you the Armenian Power has recruited many who are of different nationalities. We are a brutal group of people.” He laughed as if embarrassed by what he was telling me.

“So are we. Let your cousin know we will be acting on methods of retribution.” I was frank with my words. “We would appreciate any advice you can provide.”

“Happy to do so.” He offered his nod of respect to both of us. Whether or not the man was playing dirty was yet to be determined. “As a gesture of good will, I brought some documentation that you might find useful.” He motioned to one of his men who pulled an envelope from inside his suit jacket, immediately bringing it to Davit.

“What is this?” I asked.

“Names. Addresses and some fascinating correspondence between certain parties that can help provide you with the justice you seek. That can include being a part of their demise in various methods, including using the justice department to bring down the different organizations. Or… You can simply handle it as your father would have years ago. It’s entirely up to you.”

“I’m curious, Davit. What’s in it for you?” A man of his stature and leadership didn’t provide a gift of this magnitude without benefitting.

He grinned and Havros chuckled.