“Maybe soon a kid or two.”
“Do not go there.”
We both laughed as Elias started slowing down. We would all be civilized by having an early lunch.
As soon as he cut the engine, I was ready to get the meeting over with. “I will allow her to assist me, but my way.”
“My guess is she wouldn’t have it any other way.”
The two soldiers in front opened our doors, allowing us to take our time exiting from the vehicle. From where I stood, I could see Davit sitting alone at an outdoor table, his two men waiting only a few feet away. The patio had been cleared of all other guests. Still, it was an interesting choice since the restaurant was on a busy street crowded close to the sidewalk.
Either he was very concerned we’d retaliate or was an arrogant bastard. Maybe a little of both.
Havros walked around to where I stood, buttoning his jacket. “How are we going to handle the situation with the package bomb?”
“There was no way of determining with one hundred percent certainty that the package he brought was the one responsible.” I threw on my sunglasses before fastening my own jacket. “But he doesn’t know that.”
“You were always a master at deceit. More so than Dimitrios and myself.”
“Never forget that, brother.” We headed toward the café, taking our time getting there. Given the design of the patio, we were required to enter through the main door. The girl at the hostess stand didn’t ask a single question. She knew exactly who we were.
After leading us to the patio, she closed the two doors heading into the restaurant. It was obvious Davit didn’t want to be disturbed.
He’d ordered ouzo. While a little early for me, I’d join in a glass in an expression of solidarity. While we’d remained on friendly terms over the years, I personally had never trusted the man.
“Havros. Christos. Please.” Davit didn’t bother standing, motioning to the seats on the other side of the table instead.
We took our places as Elias and Jonas took their spots behind us. While the protocol was typical, both sides fully armed, we both knew what could happen to innocent bystanders. Neither party was interested in entering into violence today.
Or so I hoped.
For his sake.
“Please, allow me to express how incredibly sorry I am at the tragedy you experienced. My wife and I are terrified at what happened. Havros, how is your lovely bride?”
“She’s a strong woman, Davit. She will overcome any emotional concerns as will the rest of the family.”
“Good. Good. Please. Let us toast to family and our continued alliance.”
He lifted his glass and I stared him directly in the eyes. For all the times I knew when men were lying, this wasn’t one of them.
“Gia synechí kalí ygeía,” I offered.
“To continued good health,” he repeated. “I agree.” He threw back the entire shot glass while I only took a sip. He suddenly appeared more nervous than I was used to seeing him.
“It’s fortunate you weren’t at the party. You never know if you could have been involved in the attack,” Havros offered.
“I have a feeling all three families were targeted.”
His answer surprised me. “Why do you say that?”
“Because I received a phone call that it turned out likely saved my life. However, the emergency turned out to be false. My little girl wasn’t in an accident.”
“Who warned you?”
“I don’t know, but if I’d known it was a hoax, I would have contacted your father.” Davit looked from one to the other of us.
“Why did they want you to live?” I asked, although the tone was more demanding than I’d intended.