"Looking for what the hell happened to the fucking coffee mugs, jackass."
"Ma moved 'em over to the hutch in the dining room when she got one of them fancy coffee machine that takes those little cups...you'd have known that if you'd been back at all."
While I wait on the coffee maker to deliver a cup of steaming, hot, wakefulness, my brother takes advantage of the chance he's been waiting for.
"I suppose you'll be heading back to the big city in a day or two, now that you feel you've cleared your obligations to Dad?"
"Dammit, Gunner. You know I promised Dad I'd get involved in operations at the Delta O again."
"And you did! You've been phoning in the H.R. shit since the old man got too sick to handle the hiring and firing on his own. You seem to think you can do your part from two thousand miles away, so I expect that's how you'll keep doing it."
I'd like to say I'm too hung over for Gunner's shit right now, but it's not the pounding headache that's got my temper cut shorter than usual.
The house is empty, except for the man harassing me from the back door of the kitchen. I want Gunner to go back out on theranch and stop picking fights with me about taking up my share of the ranching operations, and I want to know where Seri is.
"I'll be back in Slow River before the end of the quarter, Gunner." I grumble between gulps of black coffee as I check each of the rooms in the house for signs of Seri. "And I'd think you'd be happier with my hiring practices, seein' as how you shacked up with the last employee I hired."
"For the record, I'll be marrying her soon as we settle on the details. That don't mean we need you back here getting in the way of how we do things now days. Delta O's been runnin' just fine without you, we'll keep running just fine without you...what the hell are you lookin' for, Ranger?"
"Look, I'm sorry I left things the way I did, but you remember how it was. Bernie was acting crazy and Dad and I weren't seeing eye to eye. I had an offer in Houston and I took it.
"I'm not looking to take management back from you, Gunner, but I promised Dad I'd come back and I'm coming back."
I set the mug on the counter by the sink and shoulder past my brother.
Mom's SUV isn't parked in the driveway and she rarely pulls it into the garage-- unless that's something else she's changed since I've been gone.
"Where the hell is Seri?"
I turn back to Gunner, yelling a might louder than I mean to.
"That young thing you've been making a fool of yourself over since you landed back in the valley? What'd you do? Hire her back in the city to come out and play pretend with you so you wouldn't have to face Ma's match-making?"
I'm standing too close to Gunner when he starts trash-talking Serenity and he knows it as soon my fist connects with his face.
"Keep Seri's name out of your mouth unless you can do it with respect. Got me?"
"Whoa...uh..." Archer's shocked voice might be enough to keep Gunner and I from getting into a full-on brawl, but it's not enough to stop us fighting.
"Only because I like the girl, Ranger. Any respect I show her's got nothing to do with you. Nobody believes she's your girl except for Ma and you know you're going to break her heart when you finally fess up."
Our younger brother clears his throat, no doubt nervous that he's stumbled into a disagreement that might require him to choose sides.
"One word of that to a single soul and I'll do more'n just kick your ass, Gunner."
Lunging at him, I raise my fist to make my point.
Gunner scoffs and spits on the ground before turning on his heel and heading back out to the barns.
"You seen Seri?" I turn my frustration on Archer.
"Mom took her to town. Maybe an hour or so ago."
Damn. I wanted Mom to like Seri, not adopt her. Gunner could have a point about breaking Ma's heart once she finds out Seri won't be joining the family. Then again, if I have things my way, maybe Ma's gets her happy ever after, and my brother can eat crow.
"Dammit," I mutter under my breath as I dust off my hat and head out to the ranch.
"Hey, hold up," my younger brother hails me as he jogs to catch up. "Is that true? What Gunner was saying? About you and Seri not being for real?"