He had screamed and she had smirked.
Vrea opened her mouth to respond with a quick comment, a silver-tongued quip that he’d slyly smile at or laugh softly to. Someone else spoke before she had the chance to get a sound out.
“Teminos,” A sharp voice reprimanded from a row above them. “Get away from her.”
They both turned their attention towards the sky and the balcony one up to see Eamin standing there, a stoic look painted on his square face.
“And why would I do that?” He politely asked, as if he cared. “She’s our sister, after all.” His emerald robe swished along his sandal-clad ankles as he made room for her to stand directlynext to him. She slid into place without any encouragement.
Teminos was known for the easy, simplistic ways that he could anger their older sibling, this included.
Eamin liked control, order.
He believed that everything had an assigned place, that nothing should move past it or to another.
Including them.
Which meant other than Malik, who was younger than her by a few years, she was near the end.
“I don’t care if she’s ourmother. She’s spent three years withtheir kind,and somehow lived to make it all the way back here. They must have turned her against us somehow.” He arched away from the veranda edge, only to follow the second set of stairs down to their level in a way that suggested he thought of himself like a god. “I don’t trust her, and nor should you if you had any seed of cleverness.”
Vrea held her simmering displeasure back but not her lashing tongue. She let that fly like a whip. “Good to see you too, Eamin. I’d ask if you missed me, but I think the answer is clear enough in your hostile tone.”
“I don’t miss anyone, least of all, you.” He said as prickly as a cactus flower. “Why ishehere?” His thumb dragged through the air to Rian, who stood in the courtyard below as the horses were all led away to be watered and fed, groomed and properly rewarded for their long trip across the sandy lands.
“I was just about to get around to asking her, before you so kindly interrupted me.” Teminos muttered under his tongue, rolling his eyes. “Flies, honey.”
“Enemy, in our lands.” Eamin snapped back with a vicious bite that could only belong to a predator. “I don’t care if I have to douse her with vinegar or drown her in honey, as long as I get the answer ofwhythe fifth Prince and heir to Carylim is standing in our courtyard.”
“With a bemused smile, it would appear.” Teminos added helpfully, glancing back towards the redheaded male. “It seems that he’s here of his own volition considering that no chains bind him, no shackles are around his ankles and the fact that Amir allows him to live.”
“It is still an ongoing debate.” Amir said curtly.
“Of course I am.” Rian called up to them, cupping his mouth with his hands in order to project his voice so that they could hear him without issue. “Am I allowed to join you up there, or will my head roll off my shoulders in a sudden swipe of steel if I even so much as try to gain an inch forward?”
Vrea struggled to hide her smile between tucked lips that formed a flat line as Amir groaned, shaking his head in obvious dislike and distrust of him.
Rian grew cockier, bolder in stressed situations.
It made her laugh, made her find humour in everything.
“Try to put any part of your shined boot on the lowest step, and I’ll kill you with my bare hands.” Eamin warned, snapping fingers above his head to summon servants. “Your days in Niroulian soil are limited, Rian.”
“He prefers it when you use his full name and title to threaten him.” Amir informed them with a bored, feline smirk that belonged only to scoundrels and thieves. “Prince RianCillian EzraMoordian.”
Vrea almost snorted.
“You remembered, my friend!” Rian slapped a hand over his heart, groaning as he clearly forgot his wound. He nearly doubled over to recuperate.
Teminos snickered, covering his mouth with a hand. “I could learn to tolerate him.”
“I amnotyour friend.” Amir grumbled and lifted his head back to the royals on the balcony. “What would you like us to do with him, my Prince?”
Teminos didn’t respond, looking at Eamin.
“Since Alpheus isn’t here at the moment to make a call of judgement over this situation, it’s up to me to take charge. Mother would want him locked in the cells and I agree.” He answered, refusing to look at either of his siblings for confirmation.
Not that either of them would give it to him.