Ford exhaled. “I know, and if I can’t, he’ll still love me, but for tonight, I’d like to try. It’ll be the last time I ever do it for him because I’ll feel like I’m split open, I’m sure. How do you take it?”

Cade glanced down at the bubbles in the tub for a minute before he turned up his gorgeous amber eyes to look into Ford’s. “I like the stimulation and the feeling of giving both of you pleasure. I mean, I like feeling each of you inside me. It’s like you give yourselves to me instead of me giving myself to you. You put part of your body into mine, and I feel your love for me. I hope you know how much I love both of you by taking you inside me. In that moment, we’re one body, one soul. It makes me happy.”

“Can I make love to you while Jackson makes love to me? Will that be okay?” Ford pulled Cade into his arms. Theykissed passionately, rubbing their erections together under the bubbles.

They heard the suite door open, and Ford smiled as Cade pulled away. “There’s our husband.”

“Where are ya?”

“In here, Jackson.” Ford’s heartbeat picked up.

The door opened, and they both looked up to see their third standing in the doorway with a silver bucket and three champagne flutes. He sat on the side of the tub and smiled at the two of them, making Ford feel warm all over. “How about a toast? Just the three of us?” Jax removed the foil and cage from the cork, popping it into the air with a grand flourish.

The three of them laughed as it bubbled over the top and into the tub. Jax filled the three glasses before he placed the ice bucket on the counter. He handed the glasses to Cade and Ford, quickly stripping to join them.

He sunk into the bubbles and took his glass from Ford, holding it in the air. “Here’s to the three of us—”

Cade interrupted. “The Hayes-Thomas-Delacroix’s, as a matter of fact.”

“That’s a discussion for tomorrow. Anyway, continue.” Ford nodded to Jax.

Jax cleared his throat again. “Here’s to the three of us loving each other until the end of our time on this earth. I’ve found my idea of Utopia, and it’s wherever the two of you are. I love you both with all my heart.”

None of them held back the sniffles. At the end of the day, they were all in tune with each other and were awed at the fact the fates had been kind enough to bring them together. The road had been rough, for sure, but it was worth it, without a doubt.

Ford sank back on the bed and pulled his legs up to his chest, feeling Jax’s tongue at his entrance. The sensation was far more than he’d ever imagined it could be, and he couldn’t help the moan. He felt a well-lubricated finger breach his entrance as a hot mouth circled his cock.

“Swing around,” Ford ordered Cade so he could ready him as well. They were going to be together at the same time, the three of them. It would make the bond stronger.

An hour later, Ford was in coital bliss. The three of them had loved each other every way he could ever imagine, and if their bond wasn’t secure before, it damn well was after. As he thought about Jax and his questions, he giggled just like Cade.

“Why did I have to leave?” Jax was panting after round one.

“Because Kincade was trying to save me the embarrassment of having you hear the horrific sounds coming out of my body after I had my first intimate cleansing.” Ford had just had that fucking flagpole up his ass so there wasn’t anything he couldn’t say to Jackson. It was the first time he’d ever enjoyed it, but he wasn’t ready to go to the carnival again anytime soon.

“Why didn’t I have to get one?” Jax sounded a little offended.

Cade laughed. “I bought three. There’s one for you if you’re game.”

“Well, yeah, don’t leave me out. I mean, I’ve had your cock up my ass before, Kincade and I’ve tried to take that beer can between Branford’s legs more than once. If there’s an easier way…” Jax sounded excited.

When Ford entered Jax after a lot of prep, he was pretty sure the football player wouldn’t be so eager to have his cock up his channel anytime in the future, but for a wedding night? It was perfect.

Ford sat in the Ambassador Lounge at O’Hare with his niece on his lap. She was asleep, having had a great lot of fun in Chicago for the three days they spent after they finalized Cade’s adoption.

They’d sat at the courthouse to wait their turn with Lionel Rawlings as their attorney, thanks to Katrina Hayes who was there as well. When the three of them were called into the judge’s chambers, they brought Katrina, Sela, and Carlotta. After the judge signed off on the paperwork, they all hugged each other.

The applications for the formal name changes were in the packet of documents, and when they went to the clerk’s window to have it all stamped and recorded, the three men walked away as the Hayes-Thomas-Delacroix family.

They had a grand dinner that night with Katrina, Sela, and Carlotta, and they made love again. Ford and Jax pushed the diamond, platinum ring onto Cade’s finger before they left the courthouse. They were all sickeningly ecstatic.

“You need anything else before we board?” Cade handed Ford an iced coffee.

“You got any Valium?” Ford was petrified at the thought of going home, or to the house that used to be his home.

He knew his parents weren’t expecting him, nor were they expecting Sela and Carlotta, so they were both on edge. He justwished this visit wasn’t dovetailing onto his honeymoon. He was so looking forward to the time he, Cade, and Jax would have in Italy.

Cade laughed. “No, but when we get to New York, I’m sure I can call Raney to see if he has any pot on hand. He always loved his weed.”