The man laughed. “Yeah, my little brother Danny got married last year, and he sorta had the same situation with his husband, Theo. Danny was ready to go, but his husband got performance anxiety because they waited until that night to take the final step and Theo was afraid he’d hurt Danny. They worked it out. They’re lookin’ for a surrogate right now. I tried to talk my Connie into doin’ it for ‘em, but she surprised me with another bun in the oven. It’ll be three for us. You talked about kids?”

Jax sighed. That was one thing they’d never be able to do. Bringing up a child with three fathers would be far too complicated, he was sure. “We’re holdin’ off on the discussion. I mean, I’ve got the team to worry about and he’s got his own business, so it’s not like we’re desperate for them right away. We have a beautiful niece to spoil for a while until we make some decisions.”

The two men talked about the approaching football season, and just as Jax was about to ask for a refill, his phone buzzed in his pocket.

You coming back or what? C&B

He saw the message and smiled. “Here…uh, I’m sorry. What’s your name?” Jax asked as he extended his hand.

“Tommy Bardolino, sir.” The guy shook Jax’s hand.

“Tommy, nice to meet ya, man. Gimme a bottle of champagne and a napkin.”

The guy handed him one as he pulled an ice bucket from under the bar and loaded it up, shoving a bottle of the bubbly inside. Jax picked up the pen next to the register.

The two men shook hands, and Jax didn’t waste time with the elevator. He took the stairs two at a time with the silver bucket held tightly in his arms just as he’d cradled a football a time or two when he’d made an interception. He was definitely in ahurry to get to the two men he loved. The night had a lot of promise after all… it was his wedding night.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Ford looked at the box in his hand and thought it was a joke. “Kincade, get the fuck in here. Don’t just hand me this thing and tell me to follow the directions. You’ve had your dick in my ass. Come explain this to me.” Ford pulled open the large bathroom door and saw the brunet pacing. He needed a hell of a lot more information.

After Ford announced his intentions to have Jackson fuck him that night, both men seemed to come unhinged a bit. Cade sent Jax down to the bar and then cornered Ford. “Are you sure about this? Trust me, I’m not trying to stop you, but you both said you didn’t enjoy intercourse with each other. I’m sure he’d understand if you changed your mind.”

“No. If you can handle having him inside you, then I can too, and you’re going to help me get ready for that huge cock, okay? Trust me, this is purely in the spirit of the occasion. I love having you inside me, Kincade, but Jackson is hung, no offense, and I find it hard to believe that huge dick can fit into your small body, much less mine.”

Cade nodded and smiled. “I’ll be back in ten minutes. There’s a drug store down the block. Have a drink and start running a hot tub of water, remember?”

Ford nodded, remembering his own research on the internet regarding prepping a lover. He walked over to the minibar, pulling out two bottles of Johnnie Walker to pour over the ice. He turned on the water in the large tub and when the temperature adjusted, he pushed down the plunger. He went into the bedroom of the suite and undressed down to his boxer briefs. When Cade returned to the room, he handed Ford a box as he pulled another box from the bag and held it in his hands. That was what had Ford so stumped.

Cade returned to the bathroom with his own box in tow. “Okay, so. You’re a top, and I wouldn’t expect you to understand this, but you and Lucky had your tests along with me. We’reall negative, so we can stop using condoms if we want. Now, with condoms, there can be some embarrassment with anal intercourse if one doesn’t completely empty his rectum before having sex. Nobody wants to look at the condom and see…you know.

“Without condoms, it’s even more necessary to flush out because of bacteria. If rimming is a possibility, you want to offer a clean playing field.” Cade’s face nearly glowed. Ford couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Thank you, Dr. Hayes… oh, are we changing our names? I mean, Jax is the public one, so we could change our names if we wanted to.” Ford continued babbling as Cade pushed him into the toilet closet with the enema bottle and a tube of lube.

“Lube the tip a little and then insert it and squeeze. I’m sorry I didn’t warm it for you, but it will be fine. After the bottle’s empty, hold it inside you for as long as you can, okay?” Cade informed.

Ford took his word for it and proceeded with themaintenanceCade always performed on himself before they made love. “So, about the names?” he asked as he tried to concentrate on other things.

“Well, I was thinking since you two got married, you could easily change your names, and then with my adoption, I could change my name as well. How about Kincade Hayes-Thomas-Delacroix for me, and Branford Thomas-Hayes-Delacroix for you. Jax could be Thomas-Hayes-Delacroix or Hayes-Thomas-Delacroix if he wanted to change his name.” Cade jabbering distracted Ford as he did what he’d been told.

Several minutes later, Ford walked out of the toilet closet, having more respect for what Kincade put himself through to prepare for sex with them. He wrapped a towel around his waist as he stuck his hand in the large tub to feel the temperature of the water. He turned off the spigot and sat down on the side of the tub while Cade went about his business.

“I’ll be fine with changing my name, and I’d suggest we all use the three surnames in the same order. I like Hayes Thomas Delacroix. It goes by age.” Ford smirked at the idea of explaining it to Jackson.

Cade laughed. “Yeah, that makes sense.” A few minutes later, he came out of the toilet closet and smiled, tossing his own bottle into the trash.

“What will the cleaning crew think?” Ford asked.

Of course, Cade giggled again. “They’re gonna think some poor bastard was constipated as hell.” They both laughed at that one as Cade sent a text to Jax. The two of them climbed into the bubble bath to wait.

“Why do I feel like your lady-in-waiting?” Cade was teasing.

Ford cackled. “I just had my first douche, but please don’t call me a lady.” He felt Cade’s finger breach his entrance, gently stroking.

“You’re gonna need to relax, Bix. You know, he doesn’t expect you to do this.”