“Nothing’s wrong, Mom. It’s just that if Jax is going to coach for Chicago, he can’t be part of our trilationship. He and Ford, as a couple, will be hard enough for the team owners to accept. I’m just the plus-one problem.” To Cade, it was plain as day.
They all heard the heavy feet on the stairs as Jackson Delacroix, the Ragin’ Cajun, strolled into the family room with a smile. “If y’all will excuse us for a few minutes…”
Jax grabbed Cade and Ford’s hands, leading the two of them to the basement. He pulled them out to the patio where a clear sky and beautiful sunset was making itself known.
The three stood together on the paving stones, holding hands in a triangle. “I wanted to wait to do this until we had a chance to go away again, but with the team up in the air and all the bullshit we’re facing, I know it might take time before I’m able to take a trip.
“First of all, I’m not going to coach for Chicago. I spoke with Tony and Greg about it, and I told them I’m not giving up the two men I love. We agreed to a scenario where I’d stay until they found a replacement defensive coach. They said they’d besupportive of whatever I did in the future—fitness boot camps, opening a gym, or a sports rehab facility. I still don’t know what the hell I want to do, but I don’t want to be in the spotlight unless I have the two of you by my side.” Jax’s explanation allowed Cade to breathe easier.
Cade watched Jax drop on one knee, not releasing either of their hands. “Some might say this situation is illogical and it takes a lot of creativity to make it work, but we know we want to be together so let’s make it permanent. Branford, will you marry me, and Kincade, will you allow us to adopt you so the three of us can become a family? It’s not ideal because I’d like to walk down an aisle with both of you but that’s not possible. We work with what we have, right?” Jax’s gaze shifted from one to the other.
Ford flashed a bright smile. “Let’s not call it an adoption. Let’s call it a spiritual joining. Kincade, will you be spiritually joined to us?”
Jax opened a box with three beautiful bands inside, each with three small diamonds imbedded in the top. He was as stunned as he’d ever been.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Ford scratched his head as he sat in Robin and Leslie Zacks’ living room. “How could you not know William O’Malley was a part of the O’Malley crime family?” He stared at his friend, waiting for an answer.
It was easy to see Robin wasn’t happy with his visit, but Ford needed to know how the hell his once best friend could have set up Cade with the son of an Irish mobster as his lawyer. It was all unbelievably confusing.
Robin sighed heavily. “Look, Branford, your little threesome thing was never gonna work, and Les’s cousin is Liam O’Malley. He went to Northwestern, and he’s a decent guy. He wasn’t in on the mob shit any more than Les, and I thought you’d be happy your little plaything had a decent guy to move on to so he wouldn’t continue to hound you and the walking, talking prick. You picked Delacroix back in college, okay? I just thought it was a phase but the two of you are still together so apparently, I underestimated things.” Robin sounded much like Ford’s own family before he stopped talking to them.
He rose from his chair and put down the mug of coffee he’d been offered when he arrived unannounced. “Okay, then. Sorry to inform you, but your little plan didn’t work—we’re still together and O’Malley is going to prison because hewasin on the family business. Best of luck to you and yours.” Without waiting for a response, he headed toward the door.
Ford no longer wanted anything to do with the woman he’d once thought of as his best friend. If she cared about him, she’d have known Jax and Cade were good for him, and she’d have been supportive.
Some might say Ford was trimming the fat in his life. Getting rid of the people who weren’t supportive or who were only looking after their own interests. Maybe it had been too long since Ford had taken stock of those around him. As he wasleaving Robin’s house, he felt good about his decision. It was time to cut bait.
He hopped into his rental car and drove down the gravel road, having reversed the GPS directions. He’d be back at the airport in time to fly back to Manhattan, and he was happy to have had the time alone.
Jax had wanted to come with him to avoid the hell of planning the wedding, but Ford had told him taking the trip to speak with Robin was something he had to do alone. As he thought about it, he hadn’t even seen the baby, which didn’t hurt his feelings either.
After Robin told him the truth about her motivation for doing what she’d done, he was bothered. How could his best friend give him the name of a mob lawyer for Cade to use? He’d expected a lot more from Robin, but as he’d learned firsthand, one didn’t always know people the way they believed they knew them. It made trust more precious, in Ford’s opinion, and he’d never forget the lesson.
His phone chimed as he drove to the entrance of the rental car return. He put the device in his pocket and hopped out of the car, presenting his rental agreement to the attendant. He hadn’t brought luggage because he didn’t plan to stay any longer than necessary.
“Here you go, Mr. Thomas. The shuttle should be here in ten minutes,” the young man said. Ford thanked him, handing over a ten for his trouble.
He walked over to the small building, taking a seat under the shade of the awning. He took a sip of water and pulled out his phone. There was a text from Jax.
This or this. That or that. I’m gonna spank you when you get back. You ok? JD
Ford laughed. He wasn’t surprised the big man was losing patience. The wedding was in two days, and everyone was aflutter about the arrangements. Ford wasn’t sorry to have skipped the madness.
What’s wrong now? There will be about fifteen of us, right? It can’t be that difficult. Love U.
After he sent the Send key, another text came through. Not surprisingly.
Please, please, tell him to pick a tux. The one he had for the Rainbow House party isn’t appropriate, but he disagrees with me. I’m trying to make it classy. Cade
That message made Ford laugh even harder because Jax had argued that his tux from the fundraiser should be good enough for the wedding because Cade’s tux worked, and Ford’s tux worked. Unfortunately, Jax’s tux wasn’t exactly wedding material. The man was headstrong, Ford knew, so he was sure Cade was about to pull out his pretty, mahogany hair.
When the shuttle pulled up, Ford hopped aboard and told the man his airline and flight number. After he got through security, he took a seat outside the gate, relaxing a little. The fight to get to where they were in their lives hadn’t been easy, but it was worth the struggle. After the wedding, they had one more hurdle, but things were already in the works for everything to lead them toward their happiness.
The hour-long flight was uneventful. Ford took a nap, dreaming about his birthday, which had been glorious.