“I…” Jax started to speak before a scuffle broke out in the entry foyer. Cade and Jax hurried to see Ford had Liam O’Malley on the floor as Fiona/Abigail handcuffed him. The house was so quiet they could hear the sirens of the approaching law enforcement officers.
Katrina and Cheryl hurried over to where Cade and Jax stood, appearing more surprised than everybody in attendance. “What’s going on?” Rina asked.
Jax pulled Cade under his arm in a protective embrace as Kincade took his mother’s hand. “It’s just a loose end of Father’scase. No need to worry, I promise. Let’s get you ladies some Bloody Mary’s. Cleveland’s an incredible bartender, as Mom knows, Cheryl. I think Ash is upstairs in the media room. Where’s Amy?”
Cheryl’s face turned a shade of pink. “I had the limo take her to my parents’ place in Lake Ridge. She’s inconsolable, Kincade, and I don’t know what to do for her. I’m considering a counselor.”
Katrina rubbed her arm and smiled. “I know a few good ones, dear. She probably needs help coming to terms with everything that’s happened, and the smart thing to do is find someone for her to tell how she feels about everything. She can come to her own conclusions regarding how she wants to remember Hudson. Cade and Ash had a different relationship with Hudson than Amy. It’s going to be difficult for both of your children, but I’m here to support the three of you, as is Kincade.” Rina’s compassionate response absolutely shocked her son.
“Jax, why don’t you get Cheryl a drink. I’d like to talk to Mom for a few minutes about another matter.” Cade led his mother to the home office the three men shared.
He closed the door and turned to Rina, offering a chair which she declined. “What is it,Kincade?” Rina sounded upset with him, and he didn’t understand her attitude at all.
“Okay, cut the crap. What’s the deal with Cheryl and you? She should be your mortal enemy, Mom. Hudson leftyouforher. She’s younger than you, no offense, and he cheated on you with her… without her knowledge, but still.” Cade felt the recap of events was necessary.
His mother’s gentle smile surprised him. “Kincade, that young woman reminds me so much of myself when I was her age. Do you know she’s only thirty-two? I realize she looks a little older than her age, but a few visits to a spa and financial security will resolve that business.
“She was only eighteen when your father began his pursuit of her, the lecherous old bastard. I know I should hate her and try to cut her out, but I was as naïve as Cheryl when I met Hudson Hayes. We were both duped by the son of a bitch but now we can help each other.
“That’s exactly what I plan to do, Kincade. It’s going to take a bit of time to work out the financial aspects because the Feds are going to comb through the books and see what monies are to be seized as illegal funds. I have a feeling we’ll all be fine.” His mother hugged him.
Cade kissed her cheek and was thankful. Katrina gave him a good example of how to treat people in life… much better than Hudson had ever provided.
Cleveland, Griff, Ford, Jackson, and Cade were sitting in the family room of the Greystone. Griff glanced around and chuckled. “You need more furniture, guys.”
Cade took in all the unoccupied space and stood to walk over to the entrance of the room, stepping it off to the back door which led onto the patio. It was thirty feet.
He pulled out his phone to record the measurement before he stepped it the other way, finding it was thirty-five feet. For such a vast room, a leather sectional, a chair, a coffee table, end table, and entertainment center seemed to be sparse furnishings.
Without a word, Cade walked into the completely empty rooms nearby—the formal living room and dining room—stepping off the space as well. “We have the blueprints,” Ford told him as he walked into the dining room where Cade was studying the large chandelier.
“Did you pick this thing?” Cade pointed to the light fixture.
“God, no. It came with the place. I told you at Christmas we did the bare necessities. We should make changes, but we weren’t doing it without you. We can hire someone to help us.” Ford’s bewildered expression was cute.
Ford stared at Cade, holding his hands up and shrugging. “I’m not sure what you mean?”
Cade decided it was time for the two of them to address the elephant in the room. “Jax is going back to the NFL. That means you and I go back in the closet, Branford. Or I guess it means I go back into the shadows.
“Being a coach has a lot more restrictions than being a free-spirited player. The team owners will accept the two of you as a couple, I’m sure, but not me as your third. There’s no place for me in this relationship, yet again. It would be better if I rented an apartment and moved out. We can still be something to each other, but I can’t live here with the two of you.’ It was time to get all the ugly truths out in the open.
Ford popped his knuckles. “No. No, we’re not doing this again. I won’t…” Ford sat on the floor against the wall and pulled his knees up to prop his elbows with his blond head secured in his hands.
Cade stood stock-still, not sure what to make of the man crumbling before him. Jax’s rowdy laugh echoed through the house, snapping Ford’s head up. He jumped from the floor and left the room, dragging Cade with him. The tall blond was moving so quickly Cade slid in his stocking feet like he was on ice.
“Jackson, he wants to move into an apartment. I’m not doing this again.” Ford’s demanding tone brought silence to the room. Cade looked around to see his mother, Cheryl, Cleveland, Griff, and Ash staring at them.
Jax walked over to take Cade’s hand. “Why on earth are you always on the run? Where are you wantin’ to go now, Kincade? Don’t you like this place? If not, we’ll move.” Jax’s beautiful smile was no longer hidden behind the goatee.
“I, uh, maybe we should wait…” Cade wasn’t sure how to finish the sentence. He wasn’t a fan of having important discussions with a room full of people.
“No, we’re not waiting. Jackson, are you going to coach for Chicago? If you are, then Cade thinks that means he goes back into the shadows and can’t be seen out with us.” Apparently, Ford didn’t have his same reaction. It made Cade feel like an evil fairytale queen at that point.
“Hold the thought.” Jackson sighed and hurried upstairs.
“Kincade, dear, what’s wrong?” his mother asked.