Finally, the man spoke. “Wait, are you talking about that idiot Cade used to represent him at the deposition? No, I didn’t contact him at all. He’s a shady fucker, Jax. I did a little investigating when Cade called Lionel to tell him the name of his lawyer. The guy’s a shyster from what I’ve been able to determine, but I didn’t say anything because he didn’t get involved in things during the depo and the divorce hearings. Why? Did he say I told him about that job? I’d never heard of that place until you told me Stan’s husband managed it.”

None of it made sense, but there were other pressing issues. “Put a pin in that for now. Can you find…” He told Mitchell Ross everything he knew about Sela Thomas, which wasn’t much, but it was important to Ford—which Jax reiterated to the lawyer more than once. When they hung up, Jax sat in the chair and tried to decide what to do with the rest of his day.

There was the temptation to go up to the theater room and watch a cable show he’d indulged in when he was home alone in the past, but that wouldn’t be productive at all. The second temptation was to go downstairs and take a nap, but that wouldn’t be productive either.

Jax decided to take a ride out to the stadium. He’d only intimated to Tony O’Brien he was planning to retire from the team, so he was still welcome. Someone would be around to indulge in conversation, so after pulling on jeans and a sweatshirt, he hopped in the Hummer. He was grateful to be free of the cast and the brace. They’d only weighed him down.

Jax pulled up to the gate to see the player’s lot was mostly full. He recognized the vehicles everyone drove, and he double-checked his phone to see he hadn’t missed a scheduled meeting. He was still a part of the team, after all.

He rolled down the window as he approached the gate. “Hey, Troy. What’s up?” Troy was the guy who’d worked the gate since Jax first started with the team, and while they didn’t know each other well, they’d exchanged pleasantries.

“You haven’t heard the news yet?”

“Naw. I had PT this mornin’ and I didn’t check my messages. What’s up?” Jax hoped the gossip was good. Cade and Ford always had good gossip. Jax wanted to surprise them with some of his own.

“Beau Richelieu had a heart attack over the weekend and passed away. Mr. Talbot’s holding a press conference right now.” The guard pointed to the black armband around his bicep.

“Shit. Okay, can I get in?” Jax felt the weight of the news settle on him. The team would be devastated. The man was beloved by them all.

The gate opened, and Jax drove through, parking in his spot before he hopped out and hurried into the stadium. He saw ArtieConnors at the players’ entrance, just like clockwork. “Hey, Art. Where’s the press conference?”

“Up in the club room, Cajun. It’s a horrible thing, losing the Coach. The guys are in the locker room watching it, sir.” The man’s sad expression was just a preview of what Jax would be met with when he joined his teammates.

Jax nodded in thanks and hurried to the locker room to see everyone had filtered into the trainers’ area where there were televisions. The press conference was in full swing with a number of club officials in attendance. As Jax looked around the locker room, he saw the shock on everyone’s faces, just as he felt on his own.

The chatter quieted as the cameras settled on the podium. “It’s with a heavy heart I announce the loss of our leader, dear friend, and fellow warrior, Beauregard Richelieu. Beau has been with the team for nineteen years and has been instrumental in building the team to the level it is today. We will always be thankful to Beau for his contributions, and as a football club, we will miss his inspiration and commitment to the members of this Chicago Breeze family.

“In light of the loss, we’ve decided to promote from within to maintain the momentum we were building last year. After a vote of the partnership, we’ve hired Anthony O’Brien, former defensive coach, as the head coach of the Chicago Breeze for the upcoming season. Tony has been instrumental in making the Chicago defensive line something to be feared in the conference, and we look forward to seeing the direction he’ll take the whole team this coming season.”

Talbot sounded insincere when he spoke of the role Beau had played with the team. It wasn’t a secret he hated Beau, but the rest of the sports world didn’t know it, nor would they entertain the idea of it. To Jax, Beau had been their leader and the loss was felt deeply.

Jax watched as Tony took the podium, surprised to see his nervous demeanor. “Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. It’s with much humility that I accept the position of head coach for this fine organization on the heels of the devastating loss of our leader and brother, Beau Richelieu. I know I speak for the players when I say this is a loss none of us anticipated. Beau was a friend and mentor to all of us, and he will be sorely missed.

“As for the team, we’ll work through our grief and make Beau proud of us this season. Change doesn’t come without pain, and we ask that you’ll be patient with us and allow us time to grieve our loss. Thank you for coming out today. We’ll keep you apprised of any further changes made in the interim.” Tony stepped aside and Talbot took over the mic again.

Jax scanned the training room, seeing the emotions evident on everyone’s face. They had no idea what to say or do, so he stepped forward, noticing Denny Walker wasn’t there. “Y’all, let’s have a moment of silence for Beau. He was a true leader, and I know we’ll all miss him.”

The players in attendance rose from their seats and moved to the middle of the training room, joining hands. Linder and Sumter stood next to Jax and held his hands as they all bowed their heads. Jax remembered Beau’s reaction to his coming out, and he was happy to have known the man. He was truly a good guy.

When the door to the locker room opened, they all released their grips and stepped apart. When Tony walked in, stunned face evident, everyone waited for him to say anything. “Guys, I’m glad you came out in support. It says a lot about the caliber of this team.

“Beau worked with management and didn’t pass down a lot of information regarding the direction the team was taking for the next season, which was likely a contributing factor for how we always got off to a slow start every year, but I’m not gonna speakill of the man because he was a mentor to me when I started with this team.”

The players clapped in support, taking away the nervous expression Tony had worn.

“Forewarned is forearmed. I plan to operate the club in a different fashion. The draft is in a month. We’re in the trading period, and I was working with Beau, along with Roger Burke, regarding the upcoming season. It’s also open season for free agency, and we’ve just gotten through the goddamn Combine. I’ve got a meeting with Roger and the rest of the scouting team in two hours. Jackson, I want you in that meeting. I need you to concentrate on defense for me because I need to look at the bigger picture now. As for the rest of you, if you have any recommendations regarding players you’ve followed at the college level or even coming out of high school, talk to Delacroix and Burke.

“Thanks for coming out, guys. I’ll send texts regarding arrangements for Beau’s funeral once I’ve heard anything.” Tony walked away.

Jackson was in shock. He was on his way out of football as far as he was concerned. He was ready to move into the life of being a former player and starting his own business. Being sucked back into the machine wasn’t anything he could wrap his head around as he listened to Tony’s words.

Jax’s current lifestyle wouldn’t be welcomed in the hallowed halls of upper management, he was sure. Tony O’Brien had lost his goddamn mind when it came to having Jax on his coaching staff, which Jax should remind him of in a minute.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Cade stood next to Ford at the back of the somber gathering as they shared an umbrella. He had another reason to wear one of those custom-made suits Ford and Jax had purchased for him for his birthday the previous year. The first time he’d worn one of the suits was to Jax’s coach’s memorial. That had been a few months prior.