“He ready to go?” Ford asked, walking over to the bench where Jax sat.

Wes rubbed down his leg with a mint-smelling lotion to keep the muscle loose until Jax could soak in the hot tub before swimming laps in the pool. It was part of the therapy, and Jax liked the way his muscles seemed to be rebuilding themselves. He hoped his lovers liked the results.

“Yeah, Mr. Thomas. He has an appointment with his ortho on Thursday for another set of X-rays. It’s probably going to be hislast.” The guy gave an optimistic smile. It was music to Jax’s ears.

Ford walked the therapist out and Jax stripped off and stepped under the warm water from the poolside showerhead to rinse the sweat before he hopped into the hot tub. The spray felt incredible, and when he gingerly slid into the hot tub, he allowed the jets to ease his sore muscles. He’d been working hard enough to get back into shape sooner than later, but the ache in his legs let him know he hadn’t been doing enough.

Jackson closed his eyes and smiled when he heard dress shoes crossing the tile leading to the hot tub. Jax opened his eyes to see Ford peeling off his clothes. “How are you doing, Cajun?” Ford teased as he unbuttoned his dress shirt.

“Well, I wouldn’t hate it if I had someone in the hot tub with me to make sure I don’t drown. Then, I might need help getting out so I can do some laps. You wouldn’t mind helping me, would you, babe?” Jax didn’t take his eyes of Ford as he continued to strip. Oh, it was good to be in love with two beautiful men.

Ford chuckled. “I wouldn’t mind at all, Jackson. I’d do anything for you, as you know, love.” Ford climbed into the hot tub, and Jax pulled him to sit on his lap. He loved the feel of Ford’s muscular glutes against his thighs.

Cade and Ford started working out with weights and swimming with Jax when the three had time, but Cade had also started running on the treadmill. The three of them worked out together at least three times a week, and they were all pleased with the results—on themselves and their lovers.

Jax teased his man. “So, someone has a birthday on the horizon. What might you want, Mr. Thomas?” He ran his tongue along Ford’s neck. He loved when Ford or Cade surprised him with special things, so he was determined to do the same for the two of them whenever possible. The love the three men felt for each other was demonstrated physically at every opportunity.

“I want the two of you in bed for a whole day, Jackson. I want the three of us to make love and fuck and laugh. It’s all I’ve wanted since the three of us got together.” Ford’s soft tone prompted Jax to pull the man to straddle his lap before sinking down a little in the hot tub, so their hard cocks touched. When Ford’s long fingers surrounded his hard erection to rub against Ford’s own, it was heavenly.

Ford’s tongue slid up his neck and there was a nip at the spot just above his collarbone which was a hot button. Jax gasped at the sensation. “That’s easy for me to do, baby. Where would you like this to take place? Here at home, or somewhere exotic?” Jax whispered into Ford’s ear as the blond stroked the two of them in the relaxing water.

“Oh, I want it here. This is the most romantic place on the earth, Jackson. This is where our love lives.” Ford picked up the tempo of the motion, continuing to stroke the two of them as Jax slipped his ring finger through the tight muscle at Ford’s entrance.

He worked slowly and gently, but when Ford thrust back in acceptance, the big man changed fingers to his middle one and buried it deep until he found his blond lover’s prostate. Once he hit the nerves, Ford began working them faster as he pushed back on Jax’s finger until he brought the two of them to explosive climaxes together.

He turned Ford, who was glazed over, to rest his back against Jax’s chest as they reclined in one of the lounging spots in the hot tub. The bubbles were on low, and it was easy to get lost in the sensation… forever.

Jax was sitting in the office he shared with Ford and Cade. Ford had gone back to work after a little nap, and thoughts of his upcoming birthday had Jax’s mind going in all directions.

Cade had suggested they try to find Sela when Abigail Mellon/Fiona Porter had shown her face again, only to drug their lover into believing his sister was with him. Ford seemed disappointed when he put the pieces of his hallucination together.

Jax wondered if Ford wanted to be reunited with his sister. He knew she was the only person in his family who was ever supportive, so maybe it was time to get Ford back in touch with the only family member he’d want to know?

He called Mitch Ross to get his take on the idea because he trusted the man. “Mr. Ross’ office,” Mitch’s secretary, Roseanne, answered.

“Hi, Roseanne. It’s Jax Delacroix. Is Mitch around? I’ve got some business to discuss.”

The young woman chuckled. “How’s the leg, Cajun?”

“Gettin’ better every week, Roseanne. I have my last set of X-rays on Thursday before the Doc finally cuts me loose. How’re you doing, doll?”

He’d met the woman once when he went into Mitch’s office after his other secretary quit. He liked Roseanne a hell of a lot better.

“I’m signed up for your boot camp, Mr. D. I’m getting married in August, and I wanna lose about fifteen pounds. You better work us out to exhaustion,” she said, giggling at the end.

“Aw, hon, you shoulda called me. I’d have worked with you for nothin’.”

Roseanne was a cute wirehaired redhead. She was a sweet young woman of about twenty-five, and Jax knew she was competent. Mitch had bragged about her skills more than once.

“Now, that doesn’t pay the bills. Hang on. Mitch’s just off the phone.” She put him on hold.

Jax kicked his feet up on the large oak desk he shared with his men. It was a huge thing, but Cade had the cutest little desk in the corner, and Jax loved it when the three of them worked in the office together... which reminded him of that Fiona woman and her questions regarding the shelter.

“Jax? How are ya? How’s the leg?” Mitch always had a smile in his voice.

The Cajun chuckled. “It’s good, Mitch. I’ll be ready to show at minicamp, anyway. I have a question for you. Did you call Liam O’Malley to tell him about the Clark Street Shelter where Cade was working before it was shut down?”

Mitch’s silence unnerved Jax. Surely, Mitch wouldn’t be involved in anything shady, would he?