Ford interrupted her. “No, I’m not a foster parent, but I’ll watch over the kid this afternoon while Cade takes care of things here and speaks with their father. You sticking him in a home for runaways starts a train that’s nearly impossible to stop. I know very well how difficult the juvenile court system can be, and I don’t believe Kincade wants his brother to be caught up in it.”
Cade nodded. “No, I’d rather not. Don’t worry, Roberta. Ford’s not looking to add to the harem.” Cade was teasing, bringing a laugh from the three of them, but Ford could see the look of confusion on the young boy’s face. Obviously, Ashton was unaware that Cade had the love and devotion of two men if he wanted it.
“Come on, kiddo. You hungry? There’s a great place not far from here. We’ll get food and then maybe we can go to this place in Andersonville where there are other kids your age who get together to play games, do community projects, tutor other kids in school classes and just hang out. It’s a cool place. Let’s go see what they’re up to. You can tell me about school.”
Ford took the backpack from Cade and kissed his forehead. “I’ll text you the address to the house later. Come over after you get off.”
Cade nodded and followed them to the door to let them out.
Ford directed Ashton to the white BMW parked on the street. When he hit the fob to unlock it, the kid startled. Ford opened the trunk and dropped his backpack inside before heading to the driver’s side. The kid eyed the car skeptically.
“You’re rich like my dad.” The boy’s disapproving expression prompted a grin from Ford.
Ford laughed. “Nobody’s rich likeyourdad, but I can pay my bills. My boyfriend bought me this car for my birthday last year.”
Apparently, what Ford had said got the kid’s attention because he hopped into the car without any coaxing. Ford pulled into traffic and headed toward Edgewater to Bob & Betsy’s Hideaway, near Fairytails.It was unseasonably warm for December, especially with Christmas only three days away. Ford had high hopes Cade would spend the time with them because Jax had a home game on Christmas Eve, though he’d be away for the New Year. Maybe he and Cade could go up to Minnesota?
“How do you know my brother?” Ashton asked as they made their way through the late-morning traffic.
“He worked for me a while back and I fell in love with him. Why are you here in Chicago?” Ford was unsure of where Cade’s father lived with his second family.
The kid turned to him with huge eyes. He looked a lot like Cade. “He bought you this car?”
Yes, Ford had stepped in it up to his knees. As far as he knew, Katrina’s divorce action was still pending. He’d have to ask Kincade about the status because he didn’t want to make any missteps with the young boy. “Actually, no. It’s a long story. Enough about me. You?” He weaved in and out of traffic Wednesday morning traffic.
Ford imagined many people were doing last-minute shopping, which reminded him he hadn’t bought any gifts for anyone. He and Jax had agreed not to exchange gifts since they’d purchased the house, but he’d like to get something for Kincade and of course, Winnie Oakes still worked for them, though only as a cook and supervisor of the cleaning crew they’d hired to care for the larger house.
In the warm months, they’d hire a lawn-care service because neither of them had any desire to cut grass. Also, a pool company was on retainer because their new home had an indoor-outdoor pool.
“Whataboutme? I got sick of living under Hudson’s thumb, so I ran away like Cade.” The boy didn’t hesitate to answer.
Ford moved into the right lane to turn onto the side street leading to the restaurant. “Who told you Cade ran away?”
“Father. He said his rules were too strict at Kincade’s mother’s home, so he ran away after babysitting us that weekend while Father took Mother for their belated honeymoon.” The young man was telling the story the way it was told to him, but it was allnews to Ford. The kid was only thirteen so it wasn’t Ford’s place to burst the boy’s bubble.
“Okay. Well, which rules are you protesting that brought you… how’d you get here? Do your folks live in Chicago?”
“We live downtown in the penthouse of the Dailey Building. Where do you live? Does Kincade live with you?”
Ford parked in a spot near the restaurant, avoiding the boy’s questions.
“I’m starved. Let’s go in.” Ford got out of the car and went around to be sure the kid got out okay. He locked the car and the two strolled down the block.
“So, which rule ticked you off enough to leave home so close to Christmas?” The kid seemed nervous, which wasn’t Ford’s goal.
He didn’t want Ashton to be uncomfortable around him. “You don’t have to tell me, okay? I’m just trying to get to know you. No pressure.”
“I’ll think about it,” the boy said as they went inside.
Ford hoped to hell Jax came straight home from practice. He wasn’t sure how to entertain the boy by himself, but Cade had entrusted him into Ford’s care, so he’d do his best.
Chapter Three
Jackson Delacroix walked out onto the field with renewed vigor. He’d been worthless to his team for the last few months, so much so the coach put him on injured reserve, or IR, to give him time to get his head back in the game. When he saw and kissed Kincade Hayes that morning, everything slipped right back into place as it had been when the season started.