Cade was surprised when Ford reached up to smack Jax on the back of the head. “You’re just horny. This is serious, Jackson. Kincade, you’re an attractive man. I understand the costumes used tonight were part of the ambiance of the party, and I also realize the whole effect was meant to stimulate blood flow among the guests, but I’d appreciate it if the only people you tried to stimulate blood flow in were yourtwolovers. You were remarkable up there, as was Griff and all the dancers. I don’t know how Cleveland can allow Griff to put himself on exhibition in such a fashion night after night.” Ford wasn’t shutting up.

Cade’s eyes grew to the size of silver dollars at the statement made by one of the men he loved. “Oh, shit,” Jax remarked quietly as he moved to take a seat on a director’s chair by the wall.

Cade rose from the stool and adjusted the towel around his waist so it wouldn’t fall. His point would be made more effectively if his dick was covered. “What do you mean by the wordallow? Does it mean you have control over my actions suchthat I must run them by you for approval orpermissionbefore I do things?”

Jackson stood. “Of course, he doesn’t mean anything of the sort, do you, Branford?” Jax returned the smack to the back of Ford’s head. Cade had to work hard not to laugh.

“Hey! Stop it!What I meant was I love you, Kincade, and I don’t appreciate our customers leering over the men I love. When one of them chooses to put himself on display as you chose to do tonight, I have every right to voice my distaste because you belong to me—and Jackson, of course.” Ford donned a smug look.

“Whoa!Babe, I love you with all my heart but don’t drag me under this L-train with you. I thought Cade looked sexy as hell up there, and I was grinnin’ to beat the band at all those poor fuckers lusting after the man I love and get to go to bed with tonight.” Jax kept his eyes on Ford.

Ford glared at him, eyebrow cocked, which had Jax taking his seat again without another word. Ford returned his gaze to Cade, the look of outrage still present.

“Look, I know I sound like a raving, possessive prick, but I don’t want anything to happen to you. You run the place some nights when Jax and I do things together, and now I’m going to have to worry about some other jackoff trying to cart you off like that fucker, Marcus Drury. That reminds me, I need to call Detective Del Torro to see if he can find out if that jackoff is out of jail.”

Cade’s face was still drawn in anger, so Ford took a deep breath. “We—” he turned to look at Jax and motioned his head for the man to walk closer, which he did without hesitation, “love you, and if something were to happen to you, Kincade, we’d be devastated. We know, for a fact, we don’t function well without you in our lives so please, don’t put yourself in harm’s way.”

Ford’s face paled as if he’d just repeated the words to himself and could hear they weren’t enough to get him out of the doghouse. “Look, I’m sorry if I said it wrong, but I just meant to convey how much we love you and want to keep you safe.

“Look, Fiona Porter is out there. She wants to talk to you, and I have some things I need to tell the two of you, too. You can be angry with me for my previous statements, but don’t fault me for the love and concern I feel for both of you. I don’t know what I would do without either of you.” Ford’s eyes teared up.

Of course, it put out the fire building in Cade’s belly about Ford’s asinine statements regarding Cade beingallowedto do anything. It was a discussion to be had when calmer heads were present.

“Wait—Fiona’s out there? What does she want?” Cade’s mind suddenly took a left onto another train of thought.

“I’m not sure, but I believe it has to do with your father. Why don’t you get dressed and come out? We can go up to the office so you can speak with her.” Ford hadn’t apologized, but Cade had already forgiven him. His curiosity regarding the woman he’d known for about fifteen minutes the summer before got the best of him.

“Fine. I’ll be up in a few minutes after I get this goop off me.”

Ford glanced at Jax, who grinned. “I’ll stay here and keep an eye on him. Go ahead. Also, ask Cleve for a couple of beers. Cade, you want something?”

“I’ll have a White Russian, please?”

Ford walked over and kissed him gently on the lips. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. We’ll talk about it at home. I bought a frozen-drink maker, so do you want something more tropical?”

Cade giggled. “Piña colada, please.”

One day, Cade had mentioned he loved frozen drinks, so why he was surprised Ford had purchased the equipment wasridiculous. He knew the man loved him and Jackson to the point of laying down his own life for them.

The heat of the moment had brought Ford’s protectiveness to the surface. While it wasn’t something Cade wanted to deal with on a regular basis, it was endearing at the time.

However, it wouldn’t go unchecked. Cade wasn’t a pushover, and he didn’t need anyone fighting his battles.

After Ford left, he turned to Jax. “Why do you think you need to stay here and keep an eye on me?” It was definitely a challenge. When the brawny football player chuckled, it took the wind out of Cade’s quickly blustering sails.

“I’m staying to keep an eye on ya so maybe I can see your pretty ass. I’m not stupid. You were sexy as hell out there, though I, too, wish it had been limited to the privacy of our home. You stepped in to help Ford, whether he’s thought about that or not, and I know he’ll appreciate it once he gets over being a braying jackass. Now, what’s under the towel?” Jax waggled his eyebrows, causing Cade to erupt in a fit of giggles. He did love his men.

Cade and Jax took the stairs to the office, knocking and entering. Fiona Porter was sitting in a leather chair drinking a glass of white wine, Cade guessed. Ford was drinking something out of a clear plastic cup with a lid which was odd, and he was sitting behind his desk, seeming to want distance between himself and Fiona.

Before the door closed, a foot pushed in. It was Tao, the bar-back and backup bartender, and he carried a tray.

There was a large frozen drink with an umbrella skewered through a piece of pineapple and a long straw, along with a bucket containing a few beers on ice. “Here ya go, Mr. Thomas. Call down if you need anything else. Cleve’s on his dinner break right now, but Brady and I have things under control.” Tao grinned as he placed the tray on the table.

Cade glanced at the clock to see it was eleven thirty, which was late for Cleveland to be taking a dinner break. “Where’s Griff?”

The Amerasian guy chuckled. “Last I saw, our choreographer was over Cleveland’s shoulder as they left the premises. By the way, that dance was hot as hell.”

Cade wished Tao had kept his thoughts to himself, especially when Ford’s arms crossed over his chest and a grave expression overtook his very handsome face.