“Mother Fucker!”Cleveland’s shout brought all work in the club to a stop.
“Y’all get back to work, now.” Cleve turned to Ford, regret evident.
“Ford, man, I had no idea. She said you were acquaintances, and you two talked for a few minutes. I don’t know who she was, but when she asked me about Cade and the Cajun while you went to the bathroom, I told her I didn’t pry into your business.
“By the time you came back, she’d dropped money on the bar and left. That’s when I decided you were too gone to drive yourself, so I called the car service and sent you home. I’ve never seen her before, but I could pick her out of a lineup,” Cleveland said.
Ford sat on the stool and did his best to try to remember the evening, but nothing took root. It was a lesson for certain. Never turn his back on his drink, even in hisownbar.
Ford watched the festivities taking place around him on the Saturday night before Valentine’s Day. There were bubbles in the air, though not an annoying amount. The crowd seemed to love the atmosphere and as the music played, Cade and Griff busily worked behind the scenes preparing the stage for the approaching show.
He didn’t hate that his dancers were performing without drag queens at this event. As Cleveland had said after he broke up with Chablis, drama followed their every move and since Griff had started choreographing shows without them, the work atmosphere was less tense. As a result, the shows ran smoothly and were still entertaining.
Jax had promised to come to the club after dinner with Hans Linder, one of his teammates. Cade had offered to cook dinner at home for them so they could have a private conversation regarding an encounter Hans was upset about, as Jax had explained to them, but the big man declined the offer with a gentle kiss. He’d stated it would be better if the two of them had dinner in public, rather than alone at the Greystone, and Ford trusted his judgment.
When the red-velvet curtain, which was a new addition to the club, opened, there were handsome young men posed in various positions. When the music softly began playing, Ford saw Cade and Griff walk to the center of the stage and spin around in bubble outfits identical to the dancers.
The song blasting through the speakers was an old Dean Martin tune before it ramped up into a club mix. The dancers were entertaining to be sure, but the fact Cade was dancing with them, half-naked, had Ford unnerved. A hand on his arm had him turning to see the brunette from two nights prior. He placed his hand over his drink and smiled. “Ah, back for another swipe at me?”
“I owe you an apology, but in my business, I go for the path of least resistance. I should have asked you the questions before I drugged you. I’m sorry, Mr. Thomas. I’m Fiona Porter. I believe you’ll remember me for getting drunk in a bar where your boyfriend, Mr. Delacroix, had to carry me out? Anyway, I need to speak with Kincade, and I need you to make that happen.”
Ford sneered at her. “Oh,okay!”Sarcasm was thick in his voice. “Shall I get him out of that line now, or can you wait for the show to finish dancing?”
She sighed and turned to him. “Again, I’m sorry I dosed you, okay? I just need to know how much you know about Kincade Hayes and his family. I asked about him, and you got pissed and clammed up on me. I did what I had to do.”
“Well, Ms. Porter, I don’t remember what I said thanks to you. Why don’t you enlighten me?” Ford’s patience with the woman was thin—as was evident in his voice.
The woman sighed. “You told me you loved Cade and Jax. I knew that. You told me all you knew about the Hayes family was Katrina was great, and Hudson was scum. You said something about him also being married to Cheryl and having two children with her, about which I’m also aware. Tell me what you know about Clark Street Shelter and Sammy Belew. He, along with Kincade, worked for Kenneth Shaw.” Impatience filled Fiona’s tone. Her lips were tight as she stared at the stage.
Ford stood, and she stood in front of him. “Don’t try to run away from me, Ford. I don’t want to have to take youand Kincade in for questioning as possible accomplices in an embezzlement scheme. Get Kincade to tell me what he knows.”
Ford drained his ginger ale. He glanced at her and smirked. “Nope. This time you tellmewhatyouknow. I’m tired of you coming into our lives and causing havoc. It’s your turn for some truth—Abigail. YouareAbigail Mellon, right?”
Chapter Twenty
Cade would call it an incredible night. Dancing with the group because one of the primary dancers hadn’t shown up or bothered to call in and give an explanation or apology for his absence was annoying.
Exhibiting his dancing skills once again, Cade was riding a performance high. It had been a wildly fun experience, but not something he wanted to repeat.
Much like a guest spot on a television show, Cade was happy to have participated. He was equally happy to never do it again.
Cade was in the dressing room preparing to change into his street clothes when Branford stormed in. Soft music played as Cade took off the makeup Griff had insisted upon to enhance the luminescent look of the dancers so as not to lose the effects of the beauty of the bubbles.
“Are you pissed?” Cade’s question was rhetorical. Based on the look on the blond’s face, he was beyond pissed.
Cade hadn’t clued his lovers into what the routine would entail to keep it a surprise. He definitely hadn’t notified them he’d be dancing when Avery hadn’t shown. At the time, he felt like it might just be better to beg forgiveness rather than ask permission. He and Griff had worked hard on the routine with the dancers, and Kincade wouldn’t apologize for jumping in at the last minute.
There was a slow shuffling sound, which brought his gaze from Ford’s angry face to the big grin of Jax’s. Cade glanced down, seeing a plastic and Velcro brace on his lower leg and a handsome walking stick in his left hand, which reminded him that Jax had his cast off that day. Cade had been so caught up in getting ready for the performance, Jax’s appointment had slipped his mind.
“Hey, you got your cast off. How long with the brace?” Cade was trying to change the subject before Ford had a chance to go into a tirade.
“Just a couple of weeks until I start rehab. I don’t have to wear it at night, thank god, so Daddy’s ready to get back in the saddle again.” Jax teased with a wink and a wiggle of his hips, causing Cade to giggle. The man was in a great mood which made Kincade happy. Maybe Jax could help get their boyfriend into a good mood?
Ford glanced down at the towel around Cade’s waist and seemed to calm a little. “I appreciate you stepping in when we were a man down, but next time, sweetheart, maybe you could make the costume a bit less revealing? Every man out there knows you’re circumcised, even with the iridescent bubbles sewn on that scrap of fabric.” Ford’s voice was eerily calm.
Jax laughed. “Hey, they can eat their fuckin’ hearts out. He’s got two hot studs to take care of his needs, which I wouldn’t mind doin’ at home in about fifteen minutes, chére.”