When the family learned she’d left home before being put on the plane for France, Ford cried because he’d miss her. She knew his truth, and she swore she’d be there for him, but she’d left so easily without even a goodbye, which broke his heart.

“Branford!” His mother scolded him as they stood in the foyer with Abigail Mellon fuming at him.

The girl glanced up and gave his mother a bright smile with her brand-new capped and straightened teeth, her smaller nose, and her colored, contact-lens covered eyes. “It’s okay, Mrs. Thomas. Bran’s just jealous because I’m prettier than him now, and I’m dating Sterling. You always had a thing for Sterling, didn’t you, Bran?” the hateful girl announced, filleting him right there in his parents’ foyer.

“Wake the fuck up.” Ford was engulfed in large arms which could only belong to Jackson Delacroix.

“Wah?” He gasped, opening his eyes. Jackson stared at him with concern. When he glanced down, Ford was still dressed and lying on the sectional in the great room. His shoes were off, but he was still in his jacket and slacks.

“Did you check the messages here at the house? Is Kincade home?” Ford was suddenly frantic.

“Baby, he’s upstairs in bed. Why?” Jax brushed his fingers over Fords cheek.

It was then he remembered what happened earlier in the evening… or was it also a dream?

There’d been a woman at the club who distinctly didn’t belong. She was familiar, and the way she studied him as he moved around the floor that Thursday night to check on his customers gave him the distinct impression that she wasn’t a friend, though he had no reason to believe her to be a foe.

He’d asked Cleveland if he recognized her, but when he pointed to the table she’d occupied, she was gone. It bothered him, but he had no idea why it reminded him of his sister. He’d often wondered how she was, but they’d never bothered to look for each other after they’d gotten older. It made Ford a little sad.

“What time is it?”

“Four thirty. You were talking in your sleep, and I had to pee. Come on, baby, up to bed you go.” Jax extended his hand. It was a good idea, so he held the man’s hand and followed him to their bedroom.

The next morning would bring a clear head, he was sure. He’d had a couple of scotches at the club because he was nervous about something he was planning to do soon, and he’d taken the car service home where he obviously passed out in the living room.

As he scanned the room, he said, “We need to decorate, love.”

“We’ll get right on that.” Jax pushed him up the stairs, crutching behind him. Once they were in the bedroom, Jax stripped him. Ford kissed the man, wrapping his arms around the thick neck and sniffing the familiar scent of one of the men he loved.

“You wanna fuck me?” Ford giggle snorted as Jax continued to remove his suit coat. When he felt other hands on him, he glanced down to see the other love of his life.

“Bix, honey, did you have a few cocktails?” Cade asked, bringing a laugh from him.

“I did and where’d you go? Why’d you leave without me?” Ford hissed, feeling a little unstable as Jax pushed him down on the bed.

Cade laughed and pulled off Ford’s suit slacks. “Should I get him some aspirin?” Cade’s voice was soft. Ford loved that voice.

“The best medicine would be your cock in my mouth.” Ford loved hearing the hearty chuckle of the Ragin’ Cajun.

“Get the pain killers. I’ll finish with him. He’s drunk and horny, but I doubt he’d last through a blow job, much less a full-fledged fuck session,” Jax answered.

Ford wanted to protest, but the bed felt so good under him. He was lifted as his shirt and T-shirt were removed. There was a gentle touch on his face, and a soft kiss on his lips, so he opened his eyes to see Kincade, smiling gently. “Where were you, sweetheart? I looked for you because I wanted Sela to take a picture of you for my desk.” Ford remembered his sister—or someone who looked like her—being at the club but she didn’t have her Nikon around her neck like he remembered.

“How about you swallow these and some water, and then we’ll think about pictures? Who is Sela?” After swallowing what Cade gave him, Ford snuggled into the middle of the bed awaiting his two lovers. Life was perfect.

“His older sister. They haven’t spoken in a long time. I’m not sure what’s going on, but every day brings a new surprise, chére. Let’s get some sleep. Maybe we push him to the edge and get a trash can. You can sleep on my side, and I’ll look out for him. Leave the bathroom light on, just in case.” Jax’s voice was like music to his ears.

When warm arms surrounded him, Ford smiled as he drifted into a drunken, dreamless sleep.

“Should we worry?”

“Naw. We all get a little blue every now and then. He misses his sister. I wonder if we can find her?”

“Hell, I’ll try. What’s her whole name?”

Ford opened his eyes to see Jax and Cade on either side of him in bed with coffee. The smell made his stomach roil, so he climbed over Cade and ran to the bathroom, closing the panel door of the toilet closet. It wasn’t pretty at all, but after he finally came around, he felt a lot better.

The shower turned on, and after he stumbled out of the toilet closet, Jax was standing at the sink holding his toothbrush toward him. “You’ll feel better after this.”