Ford grinned. “It was as incredible as you described you wanted it to be. You tell me when you want to spend your own time with him, and I’ll make myself scarce after I give you a very detailed description of what I want you to do to him. That was fucking hot, Jackson. Hell, the two of you can go to dinner one night and maybe stop by the club for a nightcap. After, take him home and have fun together. I’ll let Cleve and Griff leave early, and I’ll close.”

Jax laughed. “What about the six teenagers at our house? That makes it a little hard to slip off.”

Ford’s eyes glanced at their clasped hands. “We’ll… Hell. The boys left, okay? The five of them took off on New Year’s morning. There’s a letter with an explanation at home, and Cade and Ash are pretty torn up about it.”

The unease Jax had felt about their call the previous night and now Ford’s evasive answer when Jax mentioned the boys made sense. The news choked him up.

“Cade’s worried about when he’s going to be arrested again, and Cheryl’s waiting for Hudson to be arrested before she brings Ash home. Pretty soon, it’s going to be the three of us again.” Ford’s tender smile was somewhat soothing.

Of course, Jax was upset the boys were gone but the prospect of the three of them being alone together to start their life? There was nothing wrong with that at all. He’d miss the boys, but selfishly? He wanted Ford and Cade to himself. They had a lot of love to make up to each other.

Ford had gone to the club on Wednesday morning to gather some accounting documents or some bullshit, and after he’d left, Cade brought Jax coffee in bed and then proceeded to skin off Jax’s boxer briefs.

“Drink your coffee. I’ll be back.” Cade mysteriously disappeared.

Jax sat up and thought about the boys leaving. It had upset him because he was growing used to having them around, and he was fond of them. The idea, though, of having the day with Cade—uninterrupted—was an unanticipated surprise.

Ashton was spending the day with his mother to sign up for another school because he hated boarding school in Wisconsin. The kid had made it perfectly clear to everyone that he damn well wasn’t going to the school in England as his father had intended.

When Cade came back to bed with a big smile on his face and fresh breath, Jax pushed him away. “Let me go clean up a little, chére.” He reached for the crutch on the floor before rushing tothe bathroom. He emptied his bladder and brushed his teeth, proceeding out to the bedroom in all his naked glory.

He was surprised to see Cade on the bed on his back with two fingers in his ass, but the smile on his lovely face let Jax know he was going to have a good time.

Jax climbed onto the bed and licked a stripe from Cade’s balls to the tip of his cock where he gathered a drop of precome, savoring the flavor of one of the men he loved.

“Fuck, Lucky! That feels so good.” Cade quickly slicked a condom on Jax and pushed him onto his back.

Cade climbed aboard before Jax even knew what to think. As he lowered himself onto Jax’s cock, it was too fucking fantastic to complain.

“Oh, yeah, chére!Ride me, baby boy.” Jax was sucking in air as Kincade did just that—rode him hard.

“You feel so damn good inside me, Lucky.” Cade rested his hands on Jax’s chest and bounced on his cock perfectly.

“Oh, fuck no. It’sallyou. Yeah, just like that, Cade.” Jax guided Cade’s hips so he could hit the younger man’s prostate. He and Ford played around with fingers bumping each other’s prostate over time. To get his cock involved in the exploration was exactly what Jax craved.

The sounds of sweaty skin slapping together and low groans during sloppy kisses provided the music to their emotionally charged lovemaking that morning. Jax was the one to take Ford to the edge, time and time again, but that morning, Kincade Hayes was giving him a lesson in edging, prolonging the ecstasy as long as possible before Jackson could no longer control himself.

“Gah! I love you. Hang on to me so you don’t shoot off.” Jax pulsed inside his younger lover, the condom catching his seed. He smiled as Cade joined him in giggling, orgasmic bliss.

After Cade dabbed at his chest and abs with a handful of tissues, Jax pulled him down, still gently pulsing up into the tight body. It felt tremendous, and he knew he’d never be able to go without that part of their relationship again. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Jax whispered against Cade’s lips.

Cade pulled away and grinned at him, “You hurt me like that as much as you want, Lucky. I loved it. Stay here and I’ll get a bag to wrap around your cast. Ford…kiss… got a…kiss… plastic chair…kiss… to put in there…nibble… so you can take a shower.” Cade’s lips against his chest as he kissed and sucked his nipples, starting Jax’s motor all over again.

Suddenly, the bedroom door opened, and they both looked up to see the big grin on Ford’s gorgeous face. “Damn, I’m too late. Next time, I wanna watch! So, it’s a real mess out there on the streets, but I was able to get out in the Hummer. I stopped at the only open bakery I could find and got some warm croissants. I’ll pop them in the oven while you two get cleaned up. Oh, hang on.” Ford hurried into the bathroom as Jackson held onto the condom while Cade climbed off of him.

Ford returned with a plastic bag of some sort. “Here. You wrap this around your leg just above your cast and fasten it with Velcro. The bottom is sealed so your cast stays dry, but you can’t try it without one of the two of us helping you because you’ll need support, so you don’t slip, especially to get the bag off and on.”

He removed the bag after his demonstration and helped Jax into a seated position. “Feel better?” Ford winked.

“Man, you know it. Spoiled now.” Jax watched Cade’s cute, naked bubble butt disappear into the bathroom with the spent condom. He glanced up to see Ford watching too.

“Yeah, it’s easy to do. Anyway, do the two of you feel like doing an honest day’s work? Are you going out to the park today?” Ford directed his second question to Jax.

“I don’t have to if you need me. We know we’re playing Seattle at home on Saturday, and I’ll go to that game for sure. I’d like to run by the stadium to pick up a copy of the game film to review tonight so I can offer some pointers to Denny and the boys. What do you need?” Jax accepted the crutch Ford offered.

Jax wrapped his other arm around Ford’s shoulders and the two of them made their way to the bathroom where Cade had started the shower. “I was hoping maybe the two of you could help with inventory. I need to be done with it by the ninth so I can get it to the accountant for my taxes. I picked up copies of last year’s sheets so you can see what needs to be counted, and it’s a sit-down job, mostly. I’ll get Brady and Tao to do the liquor count next Sunday, but you guys can go through the payable ledger and help with the expenses for trash collection, linen service, additional rentals for special functions, incidentals, things like that. You mind?”

Jax thought about it and smiled. “If you’ll help me figure out this whole gym thing, I’ll help you as much as you need. The business side of it’s going to be over my head, Branford. I’ll need you and Kincade to help me with the details, so I don’t make a mess and lose money.” Jax knew he’d need the help because sports medicine, fitness, and football were his areas of expertise, not running a business.