“I love you so very much.” Ford nuzzled into Cade’s ear to whisper the words.
“One!” They all yelled together and clinked glasses. They drank and Ford took Cade into his arms and kissed him, hearing the boys cheering. It was an amazing celebration.
Cade stepped back and Ford noticed the boys kissing each other. When Kevin Ngu pulled Ashton into his arms and chastely kissed the boy on his lips, Ford could see poor Ash would never be the same.
After they cleaned up the toasting cups, the boys retired to the media room. Ford grabbed the champagne and placed it in the silver ice bucket. He went into the living room to see Cade watching the after-party in Times Square.
“We’ll go sometime. In fact, after Jax gets rid of his cast we can go for a long weekend if you’d like. There’s a lot to see and do, as I’m sure you could guess. I’d love to show you around.” Ford led Cade up to the bedroom.
Ford closed the door and locked it, not that he thought anyone would bother them, but he was taking no chances. He placed the silver bucket on the nightstand and gazed around the sparse room. “We need to do something about this, Kincade. After the first of the year, we need to buy furniture and decorate, sweetheart. It’s depressing around here.” He took off his charcoal suit jacket and tossed it on the floor near the closet door.
Cade wrapped his arms around Ford’s neck and kissed him. “Whatever you say.” His younger lover ground his body intoFord’s, not even attempting to hide his erection at all. With Jax’sseal of approval, Ford knew he was in for a magical night.
Ford laughed as Cade pulled him toward the bed. “Can we take a soak first? Maybe have some more of the champagne?” Ford had been studying like a Ph.D. candidate to know what it took to prepare a lover for intercourse. The three of them had engaged a few times, but Ford had never experienced love making with just himself and Cade as he’d hoped he could that night. Jax had been explicit… “make him feel the love we feel for him, so he won’t ever leave us again.”
It would be easy to do such a thing, but Ford was nervous. The few times he and Jax had attempted it before they had Cade in their lives, it had gone badly. Ford definitely didn’t want a repeat.
He’d read that a warm bath was a good way to get a lover to relax, so between that and the champagne, Ford was pretty sure things would go well. Hopefully, he could relax, too.
They hadn’t branched out with the toys Ford had bought at Christmas because he’d chickened out on giving them to Jax and Cade. He didn’t want to come across as being crass, so he hid them in the large walk-in closet in one of his built-in dressers. He hoped someday to share them, but the relationship was too new to introduce those types of delights. Hopefully, spring would be more welcoming for sexual adventure.
“Sounds perfect.” Cade went into the bathroom and turned on the water for the large tub. Ford stripped down to his boxer briefs and walked into the bathroom with the two glasses and the ice bucket.
When he saw Cade standing by the tub in a pair of white bikini briefs with red snowflakes, he chuckled. “Those are the sexiest things I’ve ever seen.” Ford placed his offerings on the large vanity before he took Cade into his arms.
“God, I love you so much. Jax told me to make love to you tonight for both of us. Are you up for that? I’d be perfectly happy to have you make love to me if you’d prefer.” Ford said the words against Cade’s neck, nipping gently as he succumbed to the young man’s tempting scent.
“God, no. I want to feel you inside me, Bix. I love you, too. Please?” Cade pushed Ford’s boxer briefs to the floor and took him in hand. The feeling of his hands took away Ford’s breath.
“You have magic hands, but not yet, please. Let’s soak. I’ve studied a little.” Ford winked. Cade giggled and Ford was lost in a haze of love for a moment.
Something sparked in Ford’s mind. “Oh, wait!” He rushed into the bedroom and grabbed his phone.
“You’re not gonna video… I mean,are you?” Cade asked when Ford returned with the phone in hand.
“I’m not gonna…Oh!No, sweetheart, I’m not videoing us. I promised Jackson a picture, and you in a bubble bath leaning against me would be perfect. We can hold up glasses toasting him a Happy New Year. He’ll love it.”
After Ford poured in some liquid soap to make bubbles, he and Cade posed at the end of the tub, Cade in his lap, with glasses raised. Cade took the picture, and they captioned it,Missing you. Next year, we’re all here together.
When Ford hit send, he dropped the phone on the floor, put the glasses next to it, and pulled Cade over his body to lie atop him.
The kisses were sweltering, and the friction was incredible. When Ford breached Cade’s entrance with an eager finger, the beautiful brunet pulled away. “I need to do a little prep work, Bix.”
Ford stared into his eyes. “What do you mean? You made love with me and Jax, and I know neither of us did any preparationahead of time aside from what you did to get us ready. I was just trying to do the same with you by suggesting the bath.”
Cade’s face flushed. “You’re a lot bigger than me, and I need to clean myself. I’ll be back. Enjoy the water and keep the thought, please?”
Cade went to the vanity and reached under the middle cabinet, pulling out a small rubber thing before he slipped out of the bathroom and closed the door. Ford heard the hall bathroom door close, and the water turn on.
A while later, Cade rejoined him in the tub with a smile. Ford took the loofah and body wash from the ledge, squirting it on the gorgeous brunet before washing Cade’s chest. “What did you have to do, sweetheart?”
“I, uh, I had to clean myself out.You know…”he said, an emphatic look on his face and bright pink cheeks. The meaning dawned on Ford.
“Oh? I’m not trying to offend you, but is that necessary?” He had no idea.
Cade giggled. “Yes, because it will save me embarrassment. Look, there are bacteria that come with the territory, okay? If I clean myself first, then the chances of any sort of infection are lessened. I know we use condoms and we’re all negative, but it’s a practice I adhere to. Plus, it loosens me up inside. Stylish women all over the US are doing colonics on a weekly basis. Just think of it that way. So?”
So, indeed.