Ford could see them adding to the decorations over the years with sentimental ornaments. It would be a wonderful homage to the year behind them and the hope of the year ahead.
A soft snore caught his attention. He found Jax and Cade snuggled on the sectional, obviously having tried to wait up for him, but failing. He checked his watch to see it was just afterfour, and he couldn’t blame them, especially with Jax having the noon game.
He slipped off his jacket and tie, tossing them over the end of the couch. He knelt down next to the sectional and pushed Cade’s dark brown hair off his face as he laid resting atop Jackson. He kissed his cheek before he moved up to Jax. He kissed his ear and tugged the earlobe with his teeth.
“Hmph. Wh… Huh?” Jax’s eyes sprung open. His smile was a welcome sight.
“I can leave you two here if you’d like.” Ford sifted his fingers through Jax’s short hair.
He didn’t expect Cade’s eyes to pop open. “Oh, Bix. How was the party?”
Ford laughed quietly. “It was pretty wild. There was some stripping and then Cleveland got in the mix, though I’m not sure how. I was afraid the cops would raid the place.”
He was surprised when Cade and Jax sat up, both obviously clear-eyed. “We, uh, we’ve had enough to do with the police for one day, thank you very much,” Cade said.
Ford’s eyes met Jax’s, who pulled him onto the sectional. “We have a few things to tell you.”
Cade glanced at the clock before he placed his hand on the side of Jax’s face. “I’ll explain things to Ford. You’re not going to get much sleep as it is. Go to bed. We’ll come up in a little while.” Surprisingly, Jax kissed both of them and walked upstairs without an argument.
“You want some herbal tea or maybe cookies and milk? Miss Winnie baked today.” Cade hopped up from the sectional and turned to take Ford’s hand.
“Is this something that can wait until tomorrow, or do I need something stronger than milk to drink?”
Cade glanced around for a minute before he pulled Ford up with him. “Name your poison, Bix.” Ford didn’t have a good feeling about the news coming his way.
An hour and two scotches later, Ford was stunned at the explanation Cade had given him regarding why there were five young men sleeping in recliners in Jax’s media room, in addition to Ashton. He was grateful they were all legal, but what they’d do with all of them was a mystery.
“What time do we have to be at the stadium?” Ford asked. The man was dead on his feet, but to help his lovers, he was going to show up at the stadium if it killed him.
“Jax mentioned a bus or something picking them up at nine to go to the park so they could meet some of the players before the game, so I’ll go with them. You can sleep. You don’t have to come to the stadium, Bix. I’ll handle it all,” Cade promised.
Ford thought for a moment before he grinned. “How long will your friends be with us?”
Cade started ringing his hands, which unnerved Ford, so he stopped him. “I’m not criticizing or judging. I’m just trying to make plans, okay?”
“I honestly don’t know. They’re all eighteen. They have nowhere to go, and nobody who cares about them. With the shelter closed now? I don’t…” When Cade broke down, Ford knew it was time for bed.
“Come on, sweetheart. We need to get to bed. We’ll talk more tomorrow,” he stated as he turned off lights, including the tree. He closed the screen on the fireplace and then he wrapped his arm around Cade’s shoulders to guide him upstairs to their bed.
He just wanted to sleep with the two men he loved. The morning would bring its own realities, but Ford just wanted to feel their skin and hear their breaths. He’d missed it all day long.
Soft kisses on Ford’s neck were like a starter’s pistol to his cock. He opened his eyes to see it was Jax with a huge grin on his face. “I’m sorry to wake you, baby, but I wanted to tell you to sleep in. Cade can bring the boys to the game, and we’ll all be back here tonight. I love you so much. I’ll be thinking about you.” Jax kissed his chest over his heart, which made Ford’s heart beat double-time.
Ford sat up in their bed, noticing Kincade was missing. He rubbed his eyes and smiled as he took Jax’s face in his hands. “I wouldn’t be anywhere else, Jackson, and you know that. I haven’t missed a home game this season except for the one when you gave our family tickets to Mitch Ross. I love you. I’ll be there with bells on.” Ford kissed the big man’s lips chastely because he hadn’t brushed his teeth yet.
“Thanks, babe. When you get to the player’s entrance, ask Troy to call Tony. He’s got it all set up for the group. I’ll see all y’all about ten. I can’t wait,” Jax told him, a happy grin lighting up his handsome face.
After another kiss, Jax hurried out of the room and down the stairs, leaving Ford to do his morning business. Pure adrenalin was the only thing fueling him because he was bone-tired. He was determined to make it through the day just fine. It wasn’t the first time he’d only slept a few hours and then carried on a full-day’s work.
While he was in the shower, Ford heard the familiarbongof the doorbell, smiling as he rinsed off the bodywash and shampoo. The chime had been Jax’s choice, and Ford had agreed easily because it always made him smile.
It was funny, the things on which the big man chose to offer his opinion. The doorbell and the media room were the only things Jax had distinct opinions about, but the rest of it? He didn’t seem to care at all.
Ford hurriedly dried off from his shower, having decided not to shave. He dressed in jeans, a Chicago sweatshirt of Jax’s, and his trainers, heading downstairs to see five young men standing in the kitchen in their underwear.
He slid in behind them, seeing Ashton sitting at the table with a cup of coffee as Cade tried to make coffee orders as they were spouted. They had a one-cup-at-a-time coffeemaker, so Ford stepped forward. “Gentlemen, I’m Ford Thomas. How about you have a seat and give us a minute.”
Thankfully, they did as he asked. He approached Cade and smiled. “Why are there five teenagers in our kitchen in their underwear? Is this a new trend, because I’m all for it as long as you get into some of those cute little briefs I know you own.” His whispering made Cade giggle.