“What time is CPS coming by?” Cade asked Sammy as he looked at the log to see if they’d had any repeat customers sign-in overnight. Cade tried to help them find places to work where they might be able to make money away from the streets, but he knew many of the boys who filtered through the Clark Street Shelter ended up being sex workers, regardless of how often he and the other counselors tried to steer them down a different path. It was Boystown after all, and who wanted to wash dishes for a couple bucks an hour when one could earn several hundred dollars a night as a hustler.
Sam chuckled. “Any time now, I’m sure. Don’t let him leave, Cade. He’s too young and too cute to be on the streets. It’s supposed to get damn cold tonight.”
“Gotcha. I’ll put him to work in the kitchen with Bev. Take care,” Cade called as Sammy left without looking back.
Kincade checked to see his things were locked up in the drawer under the front desk before he walked to the front door to secure it so he could go back to the kitchen where he smelled Beverly’s cinnamon pancakes and bacon. He also smelled the strong coffee, which was always a temptation.
As he headed down the hallway, a large hand clamped down on Cade’s shoulder. He turned to see a repeat guest, a giant of a boy of eighteen. His name was Todd, and he’d seemed like a gentle giant the last time he’d stopped by Clark Street Shelter before Sam helped the kid get into a group home for young men with intellectual challenges. Based on the two black eyes, Cade was guessingthatsituation had changed for the worse.
“Hi, Todd.” Panic grew inside him as Cade scanned the entrance seeing nobody else around.
“Hi, Mr. Hayes. You look good today. I thought we could go out for coffee.” The guy squeezed Cade’s shoulder again… harder.
Cade tried to scoot out from under the iron claw the guy had on his shoulder, but Todd grabbed him around the waist and started for the front door, which Cade knew was locked.
“Todd put me down. I don’t want to kick you out, but I will if you continue to be aggressive with me. You’ll leave me no choice.”
Cade was threatening the young man, trying to exude authority to gain control of the situation. Being carried like a rag doll in another guy’s arms made it a little difficult.
When Todd laughed and flipped the dead bolt, Cade knew he was in trouble. He’d taken a few of the self-defense classes Cleveland had taught at Rainbow House, and he remembered the man’s words.
“If your attacker tries to take you to another location, fight like hell because the chances you’ll make it out of that location alive are narrow. Use everything you have to hurt the person. Nothing is off-limits when you’re fighting for your life.”
In that moment, Cade knew his friend was dead right. He began kicking as hard as he could, trying to get the man to put him down. He even started screaming until the large kid put a hand over his mouth. Cade bit the guy and was suddenly dropped onto the ground, his ass hitting the cold sidewalk with a jolt to his spine.
His breath escaped him for a few seconds until he saw the last person he expected to see... Jackson Delacroix with his hand on the throat of the kid, pinning him to the wall. The younger man’s legs were flailing about as he clawed at Jax’s hand holding him aloft about two feet from the ground.
“Lucky, let him down. He didn’t mean any harm. He has a few challenges. Don’t hurt him, please?” Cade pleaded for the guy’s life because he knew the protective look in the football player’s eyes, and it wasn’t one of compassion. It was bloodlust.
“Only for you, chére.” The big redhead tossed Todd to the ground. Cade noticed the concern in Jax’s eyes.
The football player walked over and examined his body, finally commenting, “What the fuck are you doing working here? Why…? We’ve been looking for you for months, Kincade. We want you to come home.” Jax gently held Cade’s hand.
Cade chuckled. “I, uh, I need to deal with this situation. He needs to leave the shelter, but I’ve got to let him get his things. I don’t want to call the police because I don’t think locking him up in jail is the best thing for him.”
Jax nodded. “You’re too fuckin’ trusting. Come on, let’s go get his stuff.” He grabbed the cowering teenager and dragged him back inside the shelter.
“Get your shit and get out. Don’t you dare ever come back here, you hear me?” Jax threatened. Cade was pretty sure the kid pissed his pants, but when he ran off, he couldn’t be sure.
Later, after Todd was off the premises, Cade turned to Jax. “How’d you find me?”
Jax took a seat on the stool behind the desk and pulled Cade into him. The younger man could have sworn the big man smelled his hair. The man was shaking, so Cade wrapped his arms around Jackson, the “Ragin’ Cajun”. He was one of the most badass defensive linemen for Chicago, and why he was sobbing was truly a mystery.
He held Jax tightly and swayed with him, trying to offer comfort. “It’s okay. I’m okay, Lucky.” He ran his fingers through the locks of red hair. It was as soft as Ford had promised him, months ago.
“Oh, um. Sorry,” he heard behind him. He pulled away from Jax enough to see a cute boy with light-brown hair and bright blue eyes standing at the desk.
The boy had to be the one Sammy had told him about. “Hi, I’m Cade. What can I help you with?” Cade moved in front of Jax.
The boy smiled. “I just wanted to settle my bill before I leave.” The young man handed over a twenty.
Cade looked at the money and looked at the boy. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Ash. Thanks for letting me spend the night. I need to get going.” The boy’s eyes darted around the room while avoiding Cade’s stare.
“What’s your hurry?” There was a familiarity about the boy, giving Cade an uncomfortable knot in his gut.
“The night guy called the cops before he took off. Look, I’m not looking for trouble, okay? I just need to go.” The young man hurried out the door.