Ford swallowed. He was sure the large man could be quite deadly if push came to shove. “Okay, well, I just need to notify Jackson because I’m pretty sure the idiot figured out whohewas when Jax put him in the hospital. Hell, they have security at the…Fuck! There’s no security at Clark Street. I need to make some calls.”

He calmed down and looked at the trio. “The party’s coming along?

Griff grinned. “We’ve put up the decorations, so come take a look when you can.” Ford had been so caught up in his personal life, he didn’t even think about decorations after mentioning them to Cleve when he arrived at the club.

“Thanks, Griff. I really owe you guys.” Ford was aware the three of them had been carrying a lot of the business weight overthe previous three months, and he was grateful. It would show in their Christmas bonuses, for sure.

After they left, Ford called Jax’s cell phone, waiting for it to go to voicemail. When it was answered, he was shocked. “Yeah?” It was a young voice. He then remembered Ashton Hayes was with Jax.

“Hey, kiddo. How are things at the stadium?”

“If I liked football, it would be great, but I happen to hate this barbaric sport. Don’t tell Sasquatch. He had this hot guy from the front office show me around, which was nice ‘cause I got to stare at his ass the whole time. Anyway, I’m sitting in a room called a box waiting for some fancy lunch. Jax is on the field tossing around the other players in white jerseys like they are scarecrows. He has a lot of pent-up aggression. If I was you and my brother, I’d be careful around him. Seems to have a quick trigger.”

Ford smiled. It was no secret Jackson Delacroix was a beast on the field but when it came to him and Kincade, he was as gentle as a pussycat… though he’d hate Ford saying so out loud. “Okay, well, have you talked to Cade yet today?”

“We took him to that dump where he works, but he hasn’t called this number. Why?” Ash’s voice sounded concerned.

Ford knew telling the kid his brother might be in danger was a bad idea, so he mentioned something slightly related. “Jax told me there was a big guy who got thrown out of the shelter yesterday. I was just worried if he’d come back. You have the number to the shelter?”

“Do I look like Google? Call his fucking cell. Food’s comin’. I gotta go.” The line went dead.

Ford growled.No, he didn’t want kids. Ashton Hayes solidified the thought.

He went downstairs to check out the main room, seeing things looked amazing. He’d forgotten how many decorations theyhad in storage at the club, which reminded him they had no decorations at home. As he looked around at the pink and purple lights with silver, disco-ball garland, he decided it was too late to think about decorating the house this year, but next year they’d have a proper tree. He’d see to it.

Around three that afternoon, Ford took off for a few hours to do a little shopping downtown, having borrowed Cleveland’s SUV. He found a pair of the new, overpriced cross-trainers Jax had mentioned he wanted to get after Christmas.

Ford picked him out a new robe and slippers because any other clothes had to be custom-made for the big man. He found a remote-controlled drone he knew Jax would love, and then he thought about Cade and his little brother. For the kid, he bought a tablet and an iTunes gift card after the saleslady told him it was what her thirteen-year-old wanted. Of course, her kid was a girl, but he was pretty sure it went the same with boys.

For Cade, he went to a pricey leather goods store and found him a new leather wallet, remembering the one he had was pretty beat up. He then went to a sporting goods store and bought him an official team jersey printed with79, Jackson Delacroix. Cade had left the autographed one at the apartment, and after he left, Jax ripped it to shreds in a fit of anger. He was pretty sure the Cajun would autograph the new one for their lover without an argument.

On the way back to the club, he saw an adult store in Boystown not far from the shelter where Cade worked. He pulled into the parking lot and went inside, hearingJingle Bellsring out. There was a motion-activated, life-sized, naked Santa with a hardphallus jutting up, moving from side to side as his balls swayed to the beat. It was definitely disturbing.

He made his way through the special deals, all seemingly tailored to hetero clientele…well, maybe not the massage oil. He stopped and smelled the offerings, cringing because they were too sweet or pungent. One was candy-cane-scented; another was sugar cookies, which made him think of Winnie Oakes and immediately, his dick retreated; and the third was pine scented, which reminded him of riding in the back seat of a taxicab.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see a handsome young guy with a pierced lip and a tattoo on the side of his neck. “You want the classier stuff, Mister, trust me. That shit made my co-worker’s girlfriend break out in a ghastly rash. I’m Travis. Do you have something in mind, or are you just trying to get ideas?”

“I, uh, I have a few people for whom I’d like to purchase intimate gifts but I’m fresh out of ideas.”

“Lingerie or something a little more, um, personal?” The guy gave Ford the up and down.

He smiled. “Something much gayer, if you’d be so kind.”

Both of them chuckled as the young man led him into another room. “A kindred spirit I see. It’s nice to know. So, we have a selection of G-strings, jocks, assless underwear, and spandex briefs if you’re in the market for lingerie. Also, we have this great sandalwood massage oil my boyfriend loves. It’s more expensive, so I take a few drops from the tester home with me. I can guarantee it gets smashing results.

“We have various types of condoms and flavored lubes, along with body paints in various flavors. I can testify to those being fun. If you want some artillery, we have dildos, vibrators, cock rings, butt plugs, beads, and for the more adventurous, various S&M goodies if you’re into exploring. Feel free to look around. These types of decisions are private so I’ll leave you be. If youhave any questions just push the button on the wall.” He left Ford alone in a cornucopia of pleasuring devices.

Before he’d come out back in the day, Ford had an anal vibrator he loved. It was slender and stimulated his prostate which would cause him to shoot ribbons. He and Jax didn’t indulge in ass play often, but with Cade in the picture again things might change so he began perusing some of the silicone offerings.

After dropping three hundred dollars and earning himself a stamp card which, when full would win him a mystery gift, he left the store and packed the gifts under the contents of the more respectable bags. When he returned to the club, he took his bags upstairs where he realized he’d neglected to pick up wrapping paper.

He started down the stairs to walk over to the drug store when he saw Jax come in through the back entrance with Griff behind him. He headed toward Ford and shifted the Oakley’s behind his neck where he usually wore them. He was dressed in a team sweatshirt and a pair of jeans, not his usual track pants.

“Hello, love. What brings you by?” He kissed Jax on the lips. It was effortless, and it reminded him things shouldn’t have gone to hell as they had after Cade left. Fortunately, they had a new chance at putting things back on track, and Ford would do anything he could to make it happen.

“What time’s your party thing? I don’t want to mess you up?” Jax grasped the lapel of his coat and pulled him close.

“Not until ten. They’re giving a concert at the Episcopal Church down the street before they come here. Where’s Ashton?” He glanced around, not seeing Cade’s little brother. Jax had bags in his hands, which surprised Ford.