He sat up and flipped on the television, catching the local news update after the end of the morning show. It was supposed to snow that evening, which meant he wasn’t taking his BMW to the club.

It wasn’t designed to maneuver Chicago snowstorms, but he still loved the car, more so because it was a gift from Jax. He’d have never bought anything like it for himself, though he did mention one time he thought it was a sexy car.

The next thing he knew, it was in the parking spot at the apartment building with a big red bow on top. In light of his sentimental attachment, he’d rather let the car service worry about the weather.

The trip to the bathroom proved to be rewarding. The smell of Jax’s body wash had his cock chubbing up, but he’d save it for when he got home that night after the party in hopes of a repeat performance.

Knowing Cade was leaving them on the twenty-third to stay at the shelter for the week between Christmas and New Year’s made him sad, but they’d figure out how to spend time together so it wasn’t a total letdown, especially since they’d just got him back.

Thankfully, Jax’s regular season ended on the first of January in Minnesota. The team would be eligible for a wildcard berth in the games played January 7 and 8. It was anyone’s guess if they’d make the grade.

After he pissed and moved to brush his teeth and shave, he found a sticky note on the mirror in front of his sink.

Ford laughed… hard. It had been a while since Jax had left him a note of any kind, much less with his number at the bottom. Hell, it might have been back in college for all he could remember. His number back then was 74, but it was already taken when he signed with Chicago so he settled for 79.

The three of them needed to discuss what free agency looked like for the three of them because, with the club, the house, and Cade’s job at Clark Street, they wouldn’t be free to move about the country. Plus, another team wouldn’t want Jax’s lover—much less two—around for the press to smear across the sports section if he played poorly. They were out, but they weren’tthatout.

After he showered and dressed for the day, shoving a red tie in his pocket to seem festive for the Christmas party that night forthe Chicago Gay Men’s Chorus, he made his way downstairs to have coffee and toast before he went to work.

He checked his phone to see nothing of concern, just updates to the work schedule. People wanted days off over the holidays, and Ford had agreed to close the club from closing on Friday, the twenty-third until Tuesday, the twenty-sixth, but the days leading up to New Year’s Eve were prime occupancy because people were sick of family and wanted to let off steam.

They weren’t having a special New Year’s Eve party, but they’d be open and serve champagne at midnight. He could spring for hats and decorations to make it more festive, so he set a reminder to discuss it with Cleveland when he got to work.

Just as he was about to leave, the house phone rang. He glanced at the number, seeing it wasn’t one that he recognized, ignoring it as he went to the closet to gather his overcoat and gloves. He’d texted for the car service after his shower, so he expected it any minute.

The machine answered, but it was turned down and while Ford could hear a mumbling to know someone left a message, he wasn’t too concerned about the identity of the caller. It was probably a charity with a last-minute appeal for a donation. He’d let Jax handle it when he got home from practice.

Ford was in the office calling in the liquor order Cleveland had left on his desk the previous night after the club was closed. Ford had to get it in that morning or he wouldn’t get a delivery before the end of the year, which would totally screw up New Years.

The knock on the door had him covering the receiver. “In!” he called as he waited for his salesman to get on the line.

Cleveland and Brady Jones entered with Griff following behind them on his cell phone. Ford held up a finger asking for a minute, and when the guy, Hal Black, answered, Ford made small talk for a moment before he got down to brass tacks. He still needed to call the beer man so he didn’t waste time with Hal, wishing him a happy holiday before they finished the call.

After hanging up, Ford glanced toward three expectant faces. “Good morning, guys. Is there a problem?”

Griff shoved his way between Brady and Cleveland, who put a large hand on his boyfriend’s shoulder. Ford laughed because he could see the small dancer had a lot to say, and he was pretty sure it had everything to do with Kincade.

“Before you piss me off when I’m in such a good mood, let me say we’re still in preliminary negotiations. He’s back with us through tonight, but he’s staying at the shelter from tomorrow night until the second of January. We’re not double-teaming him, okay?”

Unfortunately, the way he said it brought a loud guffaw from Brady Jones and a low chuckle from Cleveland Oakes. “Okay, pardon the pun.” Ford tried to hold his own laughter.

“So, he’s safe?” Griff asked.

The dancer’s comment landed all wrong. “With us? Of course, he’s safe. We’re not going to hurt him, Griffon. We love him.”

Brady stepped forward. “Boss, that’s not what he means. I believe Marcus Drury came intoPat Downslast night, according to a buddy of mine who still tends bar there. He said some maniac was looking for Cade at the club and asking a lot of questions. Thankfully, nobody knew where he was so there was nothing to tell but… that doesn’t make it any less of a threat.”

“Fuck!” Ford raised his hands in the air. “I thought the fucking idiot was in jail for violating the protection order Cade has against him.”

Griff looked at Cleveland, who nodded. “Cade didn’t go to court to renew it. He can’t afford lawyer fees on what he makes at the shelter, and he tries not to ask O’Malley for favors. It seems the guy’s really into the idea of other forms of payment besides cash if you feel me.”

Immediately, Ford wanted to call Robin Zacks to yell at her, but she’d only given the referral. She said he’d been a nice guy in law school. God only knew what years in the profession had done to him.

“My God!What the fuck is wrong with people? Okay, Jax found Cade through Stan and as far as I know, it’s not common knowledge where he’s working. How about where he lives?” Ford stared at Griff.

“If anybody was following me, they’d find me at Cleve’s. Cade was subbing my place from me and if anybody shows up at Cleve’s place—"

Cleveland interrupted. “—they’ll die a painful death.” Cleveland flashed a wicked smile.