We hadn’t found evidence around the Phase Two work site, either, to show that the intruder had made it that far. Once again, we’re at a loss. In all the time I spent on this island growing up, I never learned to track or hunt.
We’re millionaires playing detective and failing.
With the camera fixed, I pick up the fresh bouquet I collected and head inside. Chloe has been tense since the encounter with Louie and now this new development. I worry it will hinder her recovery and put stress on her body.
Upstairs, I stop in front of her room and bend to leave the fresh flowers in front of her door to find when she wakes up.
As I straighten, though, the door opens. “Nathaniel?”
I jerk upright, cheeks flushing hot as I meet Chloe’s startled pink eyes. “I, uh…”
Her gaze drops to the flowers clutched in my fist. “Are those for me?”
Fighting the urge to hide them behind my back, I thrust the bouquet forward. “Thought the ones in your room might be wilted by now.”
Chloe’s face transforms with a radiant smile. She takes the flowers and presses them to her button nose, inhaling their sweet fragrance. “They’re lovely. Thank you.”
I stuff my hands in my pockets, my pulse quickening as she bends to retrieve a stray petal. The soft curves of her body beckon, and I flex my fingers, aching to caress her delicate skin and bury myself in her lilac essence.
“Glad you like them.” I clear my throat. “I can take the others away for you, if you’d like.”
Chloe straightens, cradling the bouquet as she tilts her head toward the open doorway, pink hair tumbling over her shoulder. “Sure, come on in.”
The click of the latch echoes in the stillness as I follow her inside, enveloped by her intoxicating scent. It’s stronger now than the last time I visited, sending my head spinning.
Chloe sets the fresh flowers on her desk and picks up the vase holding the older blossoms, now tinged with brown. “I was worried I killed these because I kept the curtains closed too much.” Her brow furrows as she touches a withered stem. “Guess I’m not great with plants.”
I reach out, fingers brushing hers as I lift the vase, and electricity zings through me at the contact. “Cut flowers will always wilt. But they bring happiness while they last.”
Chloe’s expression turns wistful. “You work so hard on the garden. Do you get sad seeing them die?”
I take the old bouquet out and set it in the little trashcan under her desk as I consider my response. “It’s the nature offlowers to bloom intensely but briefly. The plants need to be pruned to thrive.”
I study her face, yearning to smooth away the furrow between her brows. “A walk might do you good. Get you out of this room for a bit.”
Chloe bites her glossy lip, eyes flitting to the curtain-covered window before returning to mine. “That… sounds nice, actually.”
My heart stutters as she steps closer, her floral essence wrapping around me. I inhale, fighting the urge to bury my nose in the crook of her neck.
Chloe’s hand lands on my forearm, light as a feather. “Just let me put on my shoes.”
I struggle to gather my wits. “I’ll…uh…use the bathroom to replace the water in the vase.”
Her eyes twinkle as she slips past me, and I head into the en suite, cleaning the vase by muscle memory and refilling it before returning to the desk and setting the new bouquet inside.
As I pull the trash bag from the bin, Chloe bounces to her feet. She had also pulled her hair up into a loose bun on top of her head, and it bounces, too, charming me. “Ready to go?”
Not trusting myself to speak, I gesture for her to lead the way out of the bedroom.
We descend the stairs, the rich aroma of coffee and sizzling bacon drifting from the kitchen. My stomach rumbles, reminding me that I woke up earlier than usual to check the security cameras, and Holden is still cooking breakfast.
“Let me drop this off real fast.” I hold up the trash back. “Be right back.”
In the kitchen, Holden gives me a startled look over his shoulder. “Breakfast won’t be ready for another twenty minutes.”
“No problem.” I drop the smaller trash bag into the larger bin under the sink. “Chloe and I are going to take a stroll through the garden.”
A slow smile spreads over Holden’s lips. “Oh?”