Chloe’s pink eyes sparkle with interest. She listens carefully, asking questions at all the right parts, and Quinn is thrilled to have such an engaged audience.
The others watch the sweet scene with a collective sigh of relief at the ease with which Chloe bonds with Quinn. We were all worried about how she’d adjust to having a child suddenly being part of the pack. But she’s taking it in stride so far.
Still, a part of me hesitates to get my hopes up. To assume that this means it will work out long-term. Chloe’s still healing from her wounds. And Quinn…that girl’s had more than her share of trauma in six short years.
I need to take this day by day and see how things progress. Much as I long to wrap Chloe up in my arms, to pull her and Quinn close and never let them go…I need to learn to be patient and let this unfold naturally.
When we finish breakfast, Nathaniel catches my attention and tilts his head toward the front door.
With a nod, I turn to Quinn. “Hey, how about you read your first story about Detective Stardust by the fire?”
Quinn lights up, and she bounces in her seat. “Can I, can I?”
“Sounds like a wonderful idea.” Chloe stifles a yawn. “You’re such an excellent storyteller.”
“I’ll start the fire,” Dominic offers, already heading toward the hearth.
Holden leaps up. “I’ll grab a blanket!”
As Quinn retrieves her notebook from the kitchen, Nathaniel and I slip out the front door into the crisp morning air.
Dew sparkles on fallen leaves as we walk down to the path and pace around the cabin to the back garden, scanning the ground for evidence of the intruder Chloe saw last night.
“Too bad it hasn’t rained in the last couple of days.” Nathaniel studies the grass by the gate, where an intruder would have had to pass. “Tracking will be harder with no fresh mud. If only Sprinkles was a trained search dog.”
I chuckle at the idea. “Sure would be convenient right now. Never thought we’d need a bloodhound. We should ask Kyle where he found that boat and check the woods around there. If someone’s been on the island for over a month, there will be signs.”
He grunts in agreement.
We walk the perimeter, searching for any disturbances or unfamiliar prints. But if anyone was lurking here, they were careful not to leave a trace we could follow.
“Chloe’s good with Quinn,” Nathaniel murmurs as he kneels on the stone patio of Chloe’s suite, searching for footprints.
“She is,” I agree, a complicated warmth filling my chest. “Quinn adores her already. But…”
Not finding anything, Nathaniel rises to his feet with a frustrated shake of his head. “But?”
I sigh, rubbing a thumb over the rainbow-beaded bracelet Quinn made me. “Quinn attaches quickly, but she’s used to people leaving, so it’s hard to say how she really feels. And Chloe… She’s been through so much, and it’s not all about Louie. Being kicked out of her pack as a kid, then all the bullying… We have to do this right. For both of them.”
Nathaniel studies me. “You spoke to her earlier?”
“Yeah,” I say, grateful that his level head had kept me from running off half-cocked yesterday. “I apologized, and she took it well, but actions are what will matter most.”
“Good.” Nathaniel turns to start toward the gate at the back of the garden. “When Kyle comes back, we’ll ask about the mystery boat.”
Once we return to the cabin, we find Chloe and Quinn now sitting at one of the smaller dining tables, still close to the fireplace. The blanket drapes over their laps under the table.
Quinn chatters about her drawing supplies as she pulls out her big box of crayons and hands Chloe a drawing pad.
I catch Chloe’s attention. “How’re you holding up?”
“I’m okay. This is nice.” She gestures to the crackling fire, Dominic sitting at the table still sipping coffee, and even Sprinkles, sleeping at his feet. “I never had something like this growing up.”
“Crayons are for the poor,” Dominic teases from behind his mug. “We only allow learning tools.”
Chloe laughs at the childhood memory and deepens her voice. “Art won’t put food on the table.”
“By the way, have you seen my latest million-dollar investment?” Dominic responds in a false falsetto. “This oil painting will turn all the champagne brunch ladies green with envy.”