My cheeks warm, and I peer down at the tray. The soup, a simple broth with noodles, is just what my stomach needs rightnow. The fluffy white marshmallows in a separate bowl are an interesting addition.
Unable to resist, I reach out to poke one, delighting in the way it squishes beneath my fingertip. “Marshmallows with soup? That’s a new one.”
Dominic chuckles, the rich sound curling around me. “It’s Quinn’s contribution. She insists everything is made better with marshmallows.”
At the mention of the little girl’s name, my head lifts, a pang of guilt piercing through me. With everything that happened, I forgot all about her. “Quinn! Is she okay? I can’t believe I didn’t?—”
“Hey, it’s all right.” Holden soothes, resting a gentle hand on my shoulder. “You had a lot going on. No one blames you for not asking sooner.”
“Blake and Nathaniel found her at a playground a few blocks from the apartment.” Dominic perches on the end of the bed. “They brought her back here, safe and sound. She’s a permanent resident of Misty Pines now.”
Relief floods through me, loosening the knot of worry in my stomach. “I’m so glad she’s okay. And that she has all of you looking out for her. She’s lucky to have so many loving uncles in her life.”
My thoughts drift to my own childhood, the memories bitter. After Dad kicked Mom and me out of the Sinclair pack, no one stepped in to help. No one cared. And Mom’s addictions, both with alcohol and maintaining the facade of her former status, took up all her time, leaving me to fend for myself, adrift in a world that had turned cruel overnight.
“If I had had a fraction of the support Quinn does…” I trail off, blinking back the sudden sting of tears. “Maybe things wouldn’t have gotten so bad.”
Dominic flinches, but he doesn’t try to hide from his part in my downward spiral. “You have us now, Chloe.”
Holden’s hand finds mine, giving it a gentle squeeze. “We’ll always be here for you. No matter what.”
That’s right. I’m not alone anymore. I have a family now, one that’s already proved they’ll stand by me.
A wobbly smile forms on my lips. “I know. And I’m grateful. More than you could ever imagine.”
The moment stretches between us, the air charged with unspoken emotions, with the promise of something more. But for now, I’m content to be here, in the warmth and safety of the Homestead.
Releasing Holden’s hand, I turn my attention to the soup and pick up the spoon. “Well, I suppose I should dig in before it gets cold.”
I test a spoonful of broth and look up at Dominic. “This is delicious. Thank you.”
He grimaces. “You’ll have to thank Blake for it. My attempt was…not great.”
At the mention of his name, my chest tightens. “He’s home?”
Dominic nods. “He and Quinn have some kind of nature art project going, but he’ll come by a little later.”
The savory aroma of the soup draws me back, and I take another spoonful, letting the warm liquid soothe my throat. Exhaustion weighs on my limbs, my movements sluggish. A yawn escapes, and my eyelids grow heavier with each bite.
It doesn’t take long for me to finish the simple soup, the spoon clattering against the empty bowl. I pop one of the soft, sugary marshmallows into my mouth, the way it melts bringing a moment of happiness. I really missed dessert while imprisoned by Louie.
Dominic slides off the bed and reaches for the tray. “Here, let me take that.”
I lean back against the pillows, my body sinking into the soft mattress. “Thanks, Dom. It was exactly what I needed.”
Smiling, he sets the bowl of marshmallows on the nightstand within easy reach. “Get some rest. You’ve been through a lot.”
My heart aches as I remember Dominic as a child, when he meant the world to me, back when I never questioned my place by his side. The same tenderness fills his expression now, a warmth that wraps around me like a comforting blanket. I want to reach out, to pull him closer, but lead weights of exhaustion hold my arms down.
Dominic’s eyes linger on me for a heartbeat more before he turns to leave.
The door closes behind him, and I let my eyelids drift shut, surrounded by the scent of my Alphas, their presence soothing me.
Exhausted to my bones, sleep calls to me.
Holden’s footsteps sound on the hardwood floor as he moves to follow Dominic out of the room.
Sudden, desperate panic surges through me, and I bolt upright, my pulse racing. “Holden, wait!”