Page 44 of Seen Knot Heard

As my reality shifts, I tremble within Holden’s embrace.

He holds me, whispering soothing words against my hair. “He’s going to be okay, Chloe. You both are. We’ll make sure of it.”

I believe him. Here, enveloped in his strong arms and comforting scent, I feel safe for the first time in so long. Maybe the broken pieces of my life can be put back together again, as long as these Alphas stand by my side.

Turning my face into the crook of Holden’s neck, I breathe him in, letting his scent and his strength seep into my bones. “Thank you for being here. For not giving up on me.”

“Never.” His arms tighten around me. “I’ll never give up on you, Chloe. Not ever.”

I believe him. With every fiber of my bruised and battered heart, I believe him.

But can I trust the other Alphas in his pack not to dash this fragile hope?

Chapter Fourteen


The scent of pine needles and damp earth fills the air as I trudge after my niece through the woods, Sprinkles trotting at Quinn’s heels while she searches for the perfect pinecones.

We came out here early this morning to distract Quinn, and if I’m honest, I needed something to take my mind off things, too. But I had somehow forgotten my cell phone back at the cabin, and now I’m anxious to return to the Homestead. What if there’s been an update on Grady or Chloe?

I made a promise to Quinn, though.

“Uncle Blake, look atthisone!” Quinn holds up a pinecone as tall as her head.

“That’s great, princess.” I shake the already overflowing basket I hold. “With this one, I think we have enough for your project. Why don’t we head back?”

Quinn furrows her brow and scampers over to peer into the basket, counting under her breath, though there’s no way to see how many she’s collected without dumping them out.

“Nope! We needthreemore.” She stares up at me with hopeful, pale-brown eyes, the same shade as mine and my sister’s. My father’s eyes. “We need an even number.”

A sigh escapes my lips. “All right, three more. Lead the way, Mighty Quinn.”

She giggles and skips ahead, scanning the forest floor. Sprinkles bounds beside her, his shaggy black coat shimmering in the dappled sunlight. I trail behind them, having learned my lesson already when I tried to toss just any old pinecone into the basket. Every single one must be Quinn-approved.

I raise my hand to rub my temple, and the rainbow bead-bracelet Quinn made for me slides down my wrist. It brings a rush of happiness, as it always does, and I blow out a cleansing breath, willing the tension in my muscles to ease.

We’ll be back at the Homestead soon enough. No need to rush.

A triumphant crow draws my attention back to Quinn. She holds aloft the final three pinecones, dancing around Sprinkles like some kind of pagan ritual while the Newfoundland pants and wags his tail. Then they walk back to me, and Quinn nestles them on top of the pile already in the basket.

As she clicks the lid shut, her cherubic face turns pensive. “Uncle Blake? Have you talked to Mommy?”

My heart clenches at the worried question, and I kneel to her level, leaves crunching beneath me. “I spoke with her doctors, princess. They say she’s working hard to get better. Would you like to go visit her?”

Quinn’s bottom lip trembles. “Do I hafta?”

Sadie’s gaunt face flashes through my mind, along with the crazed way she threw accusations at me. I haven’t been back to visit my sister since she signed over guardianship, and guilt pricks at me. But there’s nothing I can do for Sadie right now. She needs to focus on her healing without me showing up and setting back the progress she’s made.

I cup Quinn’s face, her baby-soft skin warm against my calloused palm. “No, princess. This is your home now, with meand Uncle Nat, Uncle Holden, and Uncle Dom, for as long as you want.”

Her bottom lip trembles. “And Sprinkles?”

“And Sprinkles.” I brush a lock of chestnut hair from her forehead. “But if you ever want to visit your mommy, say the word. I won’t keep you from her.”

Quinn leans into my touch, bottom lip trembling. “Is she getting better?”

A heavy sigh deflates me. I want to lie, to shield her from the ugly truth, but Quinn’s been through this so many times already, and she deserves honesty. “I don’t know, princess. But the doctors are doing everything they can to help her fight this sickness.”