As the doctor warned, there’s no sign of him waking up, and if he never does, it will devastate Chloe.
I lean forward, my elbows resting on the edge of the bed as I clasp my hands together. “Grady, you need to wake up. Chloe needs her best friend.”
The words tumble out, a stream of pleas and promises. “She’s been through so much, and I know she’s keeping the worst of it from us. But she’d confide in you. I know she would. Whatever Louie did is eating her up inside.”
Tears blur my vision, and I blink them away, focusing on the rise and fall of Grady’s chest. The seconds stretch into an eternity as I wait for any sign of movement, any flicker of hope.
“Please,” I beg, the beeping machines nearly drowning out my words. “Wake up, Grady. For Chloe. She needs a win.”
I reach out, hesitating for a moment before placing my hand over his, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath my palm. Iturn my attention to Grady’s face, searching for any sign of movement, any flicker of consciousness.
Like a miracle, his eyelids flutter, and my heart leaps into my throat.
I lean forward, my breath caught in my lungs as he struggles to rise from unconsciousness.
“Grady?” My voice trembles with hope. “Can you hear me?”
Slowly, his eyes open, hazel irises clouded with confusion. They dart around the room, trying to make sense of his surroundings before settling on me. “H-Holden?”
“That’s right. We met on Misty Pines.” I squeeze his hand in reassurance. “You’re in the hospital, but you’re going to be okay.”
“C-Chloe…” he croaks, his brow furrowing with worry.
“She’s safe. Just focus on recovering.” I rise from my chair. “Let me go find the doctor. Try to stay awake.”
About to dash out the door, I stop when Grady’s hold tightens on mine. “Don’t… Don’t go.”
“It’s okay,” I assure him, patting his hand. “I’m only going to step out into the hall. But I’m not leaving you. I promise.”
Grady’s fingers dig into my skin with a surprising strength for someone so weak, and he rasps, “You have to listen.”
I lean closer, my pulse leaping as the machines beep faster.
“I was p-p-pushed.” His lips tremble with the effort to speak. “It w-wasn’t an accident.”
I freeze, shock, anger, and fear coursing through my veins. If Grady was pushed, then that means someone wanted him out of the way. Is it the same person Chloe saw outside the French doors? The same man I saw on the front path?
“Who pushed you?” I lean over him. “Grady, who did this to you?”
But Grady’s eyes are already fluttering closed, his grip on my wrist slackening. Exhaustion etches every line of his face as he struggles to stay awake.
His words slur together. “Warn Chloe… She’s in danger.”
“Grady.” I shake his shoulder, willing his eyes to open. “Who was it?”
When he doesn’t wake again, I rush to the door. “Doctor! I need a doctor!”
Chapter Forty-Two
My lungs burn as I sprint through the dense forest, branches whipping across my face and tangling in my pink hair.
I have to keep going. Have to find a place to hide.
My soaked underclothes cling to my skin, the wet fabric chafing and heavy. Thorny underbrush tears at my legs, but the sting barely registers. Exhaustion turns my limbs to lead, but pure desperation and fear keep me going.
If Louie catches me now, I won’t have a chance to warn the others.