“Shush,” I say gruffly.
About to head back out, I recall the thin T-shirt Chloe is wearing and the chill in the early spring air. I duck into the mudroom and grab one of my quilted jackets from a hook. The brown one with leather elbow patches. It will swallow her small frame, but at least she’ll be warm.
Holden grins as I stride back out of the kitchen. “Have fun!”
Returning to Chloe, I hold out the coat, feeling a bit presumptuous. “Here. It’s, uh, a bit nippy out.”
Her eyes widen before her nose twitches. “Such a gentleman.” She turns around. “Help me put it on?”
Pulse jumping, I gingerly drape the jacket over her shoulders, my fingers grazing her nape, and goose bumps rise on her creamy skin. Chloe slips her arms into the too-long sleeves, and I catch her turning her head to sniff the collar.
A satisfied rumble rises in my chest.
Chloe faces me, cheeks flushed. “Shall we?”
I lead us out the back door into the garden, drinking in the trimmed hedges and pops of early spring flowers that scent the air. But nothing compares to the beauty of Chloe traipsing ahead of me, pink bun bouncing.
She peeks over her shoulder and pauses, waiting for me to catch up.
As we meander along the cobblestone path, I search for a way to break the silence. “So, how’s the writing going? Are you making any progress on the new book?”
Chloe’s face brightens, her posture straightening with excitement. “Actually, yeah. I’ve been outlining nonstop, and Quinn’s given me so much inspiration.”
“Oh, yeah?” I raise an eyebrow. “How so?”
She hesitates, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth, and I resist the urge to reach out and smooth the indent with my thumb.
“Well, to be honest, part of the reason I wanted to end the series before was because…” She trails off and hugs my jacket closer. “I didn’t think I could write a happy family. Not authentically, anyway.”
My chest tightens at the vulnerability behind her words, and I want to wrap her in my arms, to shield her from her past.
Instead, I keep my voice neutral. “And now?”
Chloe’s eyes shimmer when they meet mine. “Being here, with all of you, has shown me what a real family is like. The laughter, the teasing, the way you all look out for each other…”
She shakes her head, that wistful expression returning to her face. “I never had that growing up. But now, maybe I can do my characters justice.”
“What was it like?” I venture. “Growing up in the Sinclair pack, I mean.”
Chloe stiffens, her scent souring with distress.
Shit. I overstepped.
I’m about to backpedal when she releases a shuddering sigh. “I thought I had it bad back then. My mom was the drunk everyone gossiped about, but never to her face. Not with my dad as the head Alpha of the Sinclair pack.”
I let out a sympathetic sound, wanting to reach for her but unsure if my touch would be welcome.
“Sometimes, she’d put in an effort. She’d bring me a new book, and I’d think, ‘This is it. Things will be different now.’” A bitter laugh escapes her. “But it never lasted. I’d find her passed out on the couch, reeking of booze, and I’d know nothing had changed.”
Fury rises within me. I’ve heard the same lament from Blake so many times and seen the effect it had on him firsthand. Then watched the pattern play out again with Quinn as Sadie fell into the same addiction. I will never understand how a mother can neglect her own pup.
My fists clench, but I force myself to relax. “I’m sorry. You deserved so much better.”
Tears cling to Chloe’s lashes, and my heart stutters. “Thank you for listening. For understanding.”
I clear my throat to dispel the thickness. “What about your dad? Were you at least close with him?”
A rueful smile plays at the corners of her mouth. “Not really. He was always distant, caught up in pack business. But I never questioned his love, you know? I knew he had a lot on his shoulders.”