Goose bumps prickle across my skin as I fall into step beside Dominic. His hand touches my back, his pheromones reaching for me again before he withdraws, putting distance between us.
Guilt twinges through me. I haven’t been fair to my bondmate since meeting Chloe. Emotions got so mixed up, and then she vanished before anything could be resolved. But this new wedge between us is my fault.
At the door, I stop him from entering. “I’m sorry.”
He stills. “Why? Because you ran out here half-cocked with only a rolling pin?”
“No.” I step into him. “For turning on you. It wasn’t fair, and you didn’t deserve it. You’re my bondmate. And no matter what happens with Chloe, that won’t change.”
“Thank you.” He swallows hard. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you, too.” I rub my cheek against his shoulder. “Nathaniel and Blake never talk books with me.”
Dominic chuckles. “Oh, I see how it is.”
I hesitate before broaching the forbidden topic. “Nathaniel says we’re supposed to stay out of it, but do you want to talk about what happened between you and Chloe a couple nights ago?”
“Nope.” He squeezes my arm to take the sting out of it. “Thank you for offering, though.”
A twig snaps in the brush behind us, and I go rigid, heart leaping into overdrive. Dom’s hand fists in my shirt, hauling me closer to his side, moving me a step behind him as we both spin around.
A squirrel darts between the tree roots, bushy tail bouncing as it scampers out of sight.
I exhale, knees threatening to buckle from the flood of adrenaline. “Let’s get inside.”
Unable to shake the sensation of someone watching us, I give the woods a last sweep, searching the shadows. Someone is out there.
But for what?
Chapter Twenty-Seven
As Kyle drives us up from the docks, the Homestead comes into view, the bright light spilling from the windows breaking up the darkness of night.
I didn’t realize we’d be gone so long when we left this morning, or how much would happen once we stepped off the island.
I shiver, the encounter with Louie replaying in my mind, the scent of almonds and anise still lingering in my nostrils.
“You okay, Chloe?” Blake’s deep rumble comes from beside me, concern etched on his rugged features.
I force a smile. “Just a little shaken up.”
Nathaniel twists to face us from the front seat. “We won’t let anything happen to you.”
Their words should comfort me, but the knot in my stomach only tightens. What if Louie comes after them because of me? My hand lifts to my collar, missing my lucky shamrock necklace and the reassurance it offered. Nothing has gone right since I lost it.
“Home sweet home,” Kyle announces as he pulls up to the front porch.
“Thanks for the ride back.” Nathaniel claps him on the shoulder. “I’d say start work late tomorrow, but I know you’ll be up before dawn for fishing.”
“The sea is a demanding mistress.” Kyle hooks a thumb toward the back of the cart. “Need help bringing everything into the cabin?”
“No, we got it from here.” Blake hops out of his side. “Get some rest.”