Afterward, she had sequestered herself in her room for two days while he skulked about the house, smelling like he had rolled in a field of lilacs and lilies.
The desire to confront them both, to demand answers, fights for release, but I swallow it down. Nathaniel had commanded Holden and me to not interfere and to let them sort out their own affairs, as long as it causes no harm.
Desperate to slice through the tension, I clear my throat and turn to Chloe. “Excited to get that cast off today?”
“Mmm,” she hums noncommittally, focusing on her breakfast as she pushes a bite of syrup-soaked bread around. “Yeah, I guess.”
Quinn pipes up from beside me. “Are you gonna keep the cast? I wanna draw on it more.”
Chloe shakes her head.
“Trust me, princess, you don’t want that thing.” I tug on her pigtail to distract her. “It’ll reek to high heaven and be full of dead skin. Totally grody.”
“Ew!” Quinn’s face scrunches in disgust.
Chloe’s head snaps up with an expression of outrage painted across her delicate features. “It’s not that bad!”
Chloe turns to Quinn. “The doctor will have to use a saw to take it off, so it won’t be the same.”
Quinn’s eyes widen. “Like the one Uncle Blake uses?”
“Exactly like that.” I tickle her sides. “Bzzzzz.”
She giggles and squirms.
“Would you like me to pack you a lunch for later?” Holden gathers empty plates. “For when you might be hungrier?”
Chloe looks down at her untouched breakfast. “Oh, uh, that’s okay. I’m starving. This French toast is amazing.” She shoves a huge bite into her mouth, her cheeks rounding like a hamster, and chews with exaggerated enthusiasm. “Mmmm, so yummy!”
I hide a smile behind my coffee mug. Even rattled, she won’t hurt Holden’s feelings by letting his food go to waste.
Quinn bounces in her seat. “Uncle Blake, can I ride on the boat with you?”
My stomach sours. As much as I adore my niece, I don’t want to bring her along when we might cross paths with Louie on the mainland. The thought of any harm coming to her turns my blood cold.
“Actually, I was hoping we could have a fancy tea party today,” Dominic interjects. “You, me, and Uncle Holden. We’ll break out the fine china and everything.”
Just like that, Quinn’s distracted. “With real tea and tiny sandwiches?”
Dominic winks at her. “Is there any other way to do it fancy?”
I shoot him a grateful look over the top of Quinn’s head as she claps her hands and launches into a detailed party-planning discussion with Holden. One less thing to worry about.
Nathaniel clears his throat. “Let me grab your jacket, Chloe, and we can head down to the docks.”
Nathaniel had decided to come along, both for added support and so we can swing by the Omega Registration Office to put our names down on the courtship contract.
As he heads off to fetch Chloe’s jacket, I watch her fumble to slip on her shoes one-handed while avoiding looking at Dominic. He busies himself helping to clear breakfast from the table, but his citrusy pheromones hold the sharp scent of disappointment.
The silent dance between them crackles with tension that sets my teeth on edge. I want so much to just fix things and have everyone happy again, but I bite my tongue, reminding myself of our agreement not to meddle.
They’re both adults. They’ll figure it out in their own time. I hope.
“All set.” Chloe shuffles toward the door without looking at anyone while her nerves saturate the air, undercut by the barest hint of…regret?
Nathaniel returns and drapes one of his quilted jackets over her shoulders, his fingertips brushing her neck in a soothing gesture. She sighs and turns her face into his hand, nuzzling him.