I set our basket of pinecones on the only clean spot on the island. “Didn’t you want to be an artist?”
She puffs out her chest. “I’m going to be a writer-artist-chef!”
“That’s ambitious of you.” Dominic turns off the burner and pulls the stockpot aside. “You can help next time, kiddo. This one is dead.”
I hate to see my bondmate so down, so I grab a bowl from the cupboard and join him at the stove. “It can’t be that bad.”
“By all means.” Dominic gestures to the ladle and steps aside.
I scoop some of the broth into the bowl, blow on it, and take a sip. Spice hits my tongue hard, and I fight down the urge to choke, swallowing the mouthful.
How did Dominic mess up such a simple recipe?
Conscious of Quinn watching, I choke out, “Yummy.”
“I’m hungry!” Quinn tugs on my arm. “Can I have some of Uncle Dom’s soup, too?”
“It’s a little too spicy for you, princess.” I turn to Dominic and whisper, “Why is it so spicy?”
Helpless to answer, Dominic gestures at the mess on the island in frustration. “You tell me.”
My friend’s shoulders slump and his head droops, looking like a kicked puppy. “How am I supposed to win Chloe over when I can’t even do something as simple as bringing her soup?”
My heart goes out to him. Dominic desperately wants this to work with Chloe, but he put way too much meaning into being able to bring her sustenance when he’s not the cook in our house. He over-complicated something that’s supposed to be simple.
I set the bowl on the counter and open my arms. “Come here, bondmate.”
He gives me an incredulous stare. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me.” I wiggle my fingers at him. “Bring it in, big guy.”
“Uncle Dom?” Quinn pipes up. “What do we do when we’re feeling down?”
A grin splits my face. “That’s right, princess. What do we do?”
She thrusts her arms into the air. “We hug it out!”
“You heard her.” I turn back to Dominic, who still stands with his arms crossed. “Come on, it’s happening.”
“Hug it out! Hug it out!” Quinn chants, pumping her little fists.
Dominic’s stern facade cracks, and with an exaggerated sigh, he drops his arms to his sides. “Fine.”
Not giving him a chance to change his mind, I surge forward and wrap him in a bear hug, squeezing him tight enough to lift his feet off the floor.
He lets out a startledoomphand wheezes, “Can’t…breathe…”
Quinn’s giggles fill the kitchen, the sound warming my heart. After everything she’s been through, it’s a joy to hear her laugh.
I give Dominic one last squeeze before setting him back on his feet.
Dazed, he staggers a bit.
Before he can recover, Quinn darts forward and stretches her arms up to him, face shining with adoration. “My turn, Uncle Dom!”
Dominic’s expression gentles, and he swoops down to scoop her into his arms, grinning as she shrieks with laughter. “How could I say no to a hug from our princess?”
Quinn winds her skinny arms around his neck, pressing a smacking kiss to his cheek. “Don’t be sad. The only way you learn is through trying! And Uncle Blake said your soup is good!”