Page 30 of Seen Knot Heard

As I settle in my chair, my mind drifts to memories of happier times when Chloe was a kid, her pink hair tied up in pigtails, always excited to tell me about the latest story on her mind. She used to laugh when we were together, the sound like tinkling bells filling the air.

But my cruel actions now stain those memories. I remember the day I turned on her, the day I let my fear and insecurity override our friendship. I still see the hurt on her face, the confusion and betrayal when I joined the other kids in mocking her.

Regret swallows me, pressing down on my chest until breathing becomes hard. I struggle to push back the tide of emotions that threaten to drown me.

The steady beep of Grady’s heart monitor fills the silence as minutes tick by and Holden remains hunched over his phone, his fingers soft taps on the screen. My eyes burn and my back aches, but I stay silent, waiting for when the nurse comes to tell us visiting hours are over and we return to our quiet island home.

Chloe stayed with us for only a week, but everything feels duller in her absence.

The thought of her trapped with Louie, at the mercy of his twisted desires, churns my stomach. I shake my head, trying to banish the image from my mind. It lingers, though, a dark shadow threatening to consume me.

Holden must sense my unease, because his head lifts, and his brow pinches with concern. “You okay?”

I start to brush off his concern, but stop. It’s the first time since Chloe’s disappearance that Holden has reached out like he used to.

“I’m scared,” I admit, my voice trembling. “Scared of what’s happening to her. Of what might have already been done.”

Holden’s expression softens with a quiet understanding. He reaches across Grady’s bed, hand extending toward me, before his phone buzzing steals his attention.

He snatches it up, his lips parting as he reads the message.

“It’s from Kyle.” His voice trembles with a mix of hope and disbelief. “Chloe called the resort number. She’s here.”

My heart leaps into my throat. “What do you mean here?”

Holden bursts to his feet. “Here. In room three-fifteen!”

Adrenaline surges through me, my hands shaking. “She’s so close.”

Determination settles across Holden’s features. “We’re going to bring her home.”

He shoves the phone into his pocket and strides around the end of Grady’s bed. “She told Kyle that Santaro has a guard at the door, so we need a plan. We can’t just waltz in and expect to leave with Chloe unscathed.”

“We need a diversion to draw them away from her room long enough to get in and out.” An idea sparks in my mind, a dangerous, reckless thing that might work. “I’ll figure out a distraction.”

Holden’s mouth opens to protest, but a sharp shake of my head cuts him off. “It has to be me. If I’m caught, I’ll create a big enough commotion for you to still reach Chloe. You’re the one she trusts, the one she needs right now.”

Reluctantly, he agrees. “Try not to end up in jail.”

My lips twitch. “Well, thatisthe plan. My preference is for all of us to walk out of this hospital as free people.”

We’re so close now, only a few floors separating us from Chloe.

I can’t fail her again. “Wait here. I’ll be right back.”

“Okay.” Anxiety fills his face as he steps back, and I duck out of the room.

My heart pounds as I slink down the sterile, white hallway and pause near the nurses’ station, listening.

Only the steady beeps of monitors and clicking of keyboards.

I seize my chance and sneak behind the desk. It takes no time to locate a supply closet and snag two sets of nurse's uniforms, the starched cotton unfamiliar in my hands.

I slip back out without being noticed and hurry back to Grady’s room.

“Here.” I shove a pair of scrubs at him. “Hide them under your sweater.”

“Where…?” He clutches the fabric to his chest. “Where did you find these?”