Chapter Ten
The elevator doors slide open with a soft ding, revealing the well-lit hospital corridor.
My boots thud on the glossy linoleum as I step out. The scent of antiseptic fills the air, a smell that’s become far too familiar over the past week.
The nurse at the front desk greets me as I pass, recognizing me on sight at this point.
When I tracked down Vivian at the racetrack, it feels like I used up all my luck. My heart sits heavy in my chest as I walk down the corridor to Grady’s room.
Outside the door, I take a deep breath, steeling myself before I step inside.
Shadows lie over the room, a single lamp casting a pale glow. Grady lies still and pale amidst a tangle of wires and tubes, the machines around him beeping out a steady rhythm. He appears fragile, nothing like the vibrant, quick-witted Beta I met such a short time ago.
Holden sits hunched over Grady’s bedside table, the glow of his cell phone illuminating his face. Brow furrowed in concentration, his fingers fly over his screen. As I enter, he barely acknowledges my presence with a tight nod, while theburnt-sugar scent of his pheromones fills the room with his anxiety.
Unsure of my welcome, I hover in the doorway. The urge to go to him, to offer comfort, wars with the awkwardness that sprouted up between us after my role in Chloe’s past was exposed.
I want to say something, anything, to break the heavy silence, but fear tightens my throat, locking in the words.
If we never find Chloe, will it mean the end of my place in our pack? My bondmates forgave my past long ago, but meeting the woman I bullied in high school and then falling for her dragged it all back into the light.
My attention returns to Grady’s still form, taking in the dark circles beneath his eyes and the pallor of his skin. Guilt twists in my gut that he was injured on our island. If he doesn’t wake up, we’ll never find out why he ignored the fence and warning signs cautioning against going near the foundation being dug out for the spa/fitness area.
With a shake of my head, I push the thought away. No use lingering on questions we have no answers to. We need something tangiblenow. “Did you have any luck with the Omega Registration Office?”
Holden’s shoulders tense, but he doesn’t look up from the screen. “No. They’re stonewalling me. Without Grady’s authorization, they won’t release any information. They wouldn’t even confirm her status.”
“Right.” We expected as much, but it still burns to have it confirmed. “Okay, so we can’t go through official channels. What else can we do?”
“Hacking into their database is risky.” Holden grimaces. “It’s also been a while since I did anything like that. Not sure my skills are up to the task.”
“If Grady doesn’t wake up soon, we’re out of options.” I study the sleeping man. “How’s he doing?”
Holden half lifts his head, his hazel eyes red-rimmed with exhaustion. “No change. The swelling is down, so the doctors say it’s a waiting game now.”
My chest constricts at the news. Grady may be a stranger to us, but he’s Chloe’s best friend. Her rock. Seeing him like this, pale and lifeless, is a stark reminder of what could have been Chloe’s fate.
The scrape of metal legs on linoleum fills the silence as I pull up a chair across from Holden. The air between us is thick with unspoken emotions, a tangle of fear, regret, and something else too close to loss.
The vinyl in my seat creaks as I shift, trying to find the right words.
But what can I say? That I’m sorry? I’ve already apologized, both to my pack and to Chloe. That I wish I had stood by her side in high school? There’s no turning back time and changing the choices I made as a young Alpha afraid of my family and peers.
My fingers curl into fists on my thighs, but I choke down the emotion. This isn’t about me. It’s about Chloe. About finding her and bringing her home safe.
“What can I do?” I force my spine straight. “How else can I help?”
Holden’s lips press into a thin line, his shoulders sagging with exhaustion and stress. “I don’t know. I’ve been through Grady’s laptop twice, but there’s nothing. Did you have any luck with the penthouses owned by the Santaro pack?”
Regret fills me as I shake my head. I so hoped the lead Vivian inadvertently gave us would pay out. “Too much security, and Louie doesn’t move around on the surface roads. Maybe with a bigger pack to keep up twenty-four-hour surveillance on all of the properties…”
I rub my temple, where a mild headache has taken up residence and refuses to leave. “We’ll find her. I promise.”
He looks at me, really looks at me, and an emotion flickers across his face. Regret? Concern? I can’t interpret his expression when I’m this tired and just want our friendship to go back to normal.
Then Holden blinks, his face shuttering, and his attention returns to his cell phone.