I study the long flight of steps. They’re a lot to take on, but when Blake nudges me again, I lift my foot onto the first tread and grip the handrail. When Blake gets like this, there’s no arguing with him. It’s better to just go along with his demands.
It takes far more effort to reach the second floor than usual, and by the time I do, my breaths come fast, my chest heaving.
I shuffle down the hall to the right and pass through the door that leads into the personal space of the Homestead. We need to convert a room for Quinn up here, since she’s now living here.We should designate a room for Chloe, too, for when she comes back to us.
Ifshe comes back to us. Even if we find her, she could still reject our pack. Louie isn’t the only obstacle that stands in our way.
Pushing open the door to my room, I stride into my bathroom and pause, catching sight of my reflection in the mirror. The face that stares back at me looks haggard, the lines around my eyes deeper than I remember, and my hair sticks up in a frizzy puff.
Blake was holding back when he said I looked like shit.
I need to pull it together. I won’t be any good to Chloe if I let myself fall apart.
With a sigh, I strip and step into the shower, making quick work of washing off a couple of days of grime. It takes more time to set my curls, and not for the first time, I consider shaving my head so I won’t have to deal with the hassle.
I pick up the clippers next to the sink and contemplate them for a moment before settling on only shaving my face. Now is not the time to make drastic changes to my appearance.
Dressing in a pair of dark-wash jeans and a forest-green sweater, I grab socks, my gaze falling on the pink, sparkly wallet on top of my dresser. After only a second of waffling, I slip it into the pocket opposite the one that holds mine.
When I head back downstairs, I feel more optimistic. Blake was right. I needed that.
Blake looks up from where he sits at the table, a sandwich in hand and the wrapper of a muffin lying to the side of his plate. “I was about to come check on you.”
“I took a quick shower.” I snatch up the sandwich waiting for me and head for the door. “Thanks for the push. I’ll be back with Dominic tonight.”
Blake spins on the bench. “Where are you running off to?”
“I’m going to go visit Grady.” I check the time on my phone. “Kyle should be docking soon.”
Concern shadows Blake’s pale brown eyes. “Grady’s still unconscious. You showing up won’t bring him out of the coma any faster.”
I pause, my hand on the cool doorknob. “I know, but I can’t just sit here and do nothing. The doctors said he could wake up any day now. I want to be by his side when it happens.”
Blake nods, his expression grim. “Just be careful. And don’t skip dinner. We need you in one piece.”
I meet his gaze, seeing the unspoken words. He understands the toll this is taking on me, the weight of responsibility I’ve put on my shoulders. But he also knows that I will stop at nothing to bring Chloe home.
With a final nod, I turn and walk out into the afternoon light, the door closing behind me with a soft click.
Cool, crisp air carries the scent of pine and earth as I stride down the path to the main road. I eat the sandwich as I walk, realizing how hungry I am after the first bite.
Each step feels lighter now that I have something to do, even if it’s just to visit a man in a coma. Grady is important to Chloe, so he’s important to me, too.
I pass the bustling construction site, Nathaniel’s voice booming over the sound of hammers and saws. I spot Emily with a stack of flooring on one shoulder, who lifts a hand in greeting when she sees me.
I wave back without slowing, intent on reaching Kyle where he kneels by a pier, tying off the water taxi.
A twinge of guilt goes through me as I step onto the planks, but I push it aside. Kyle will take any excuse to go back out, and we’re well past his preferred fishing time.
The dock rises and falls beneath my sneakers, the sound of the waves lapping against the shore soothing with its familiarity.
At my approach, Kyle straightens, smoothing a hand over his bald head before settling his scally cap back in place. “Hey, you looking for a ride to the mainland?”
I nod. “Sorry to make you go out again so soon.”
“Better this than clearing paths.” He tilts his head toward the boat. “Hop on in. I’ll have us on the water in a jiffy.”
“Thanks, man.” I clap him on the arm. “I appreciate it.”