Page 24 of Seen Knot Heard

I run a hand over my face, the start of a beard scratching my palm. I need to shave, but it feels like one step too much most days. “After his chat with Vivian, I’m not holding my breath.”

“We can’t lose hope,” Blake says.

“We’re running out of time. I can feel it.” Restless, I resume pacing around the dining room. “She’s trapped with that bastard, and we can’t even access her file to fix this mess.”

Blake leans against the table, the rolled-up sleeves of his flannel revealing his sleeve tattoos. “We’ll figure it out. The restraining order will come through with an address for where Vivian is staying, and that will lead us to Chloe. Or Grady will come out of the coma and deal with the Omega Registration Office.”

I nod, trying to latch onto the hope in his words. But each day, the fear grows, a living thing inside me, coiling around my heart and squeezing until it hurts to breathe.

Blake straightens away from the table. “I’ll put Quinn down for a nap and meet you in the study.”

He scoops Quinn up in his arms, her delighted giggles bringing a brief smile to my face. Sprinkles scrambles upright, his tongue lolling out of his mouth as he trots behind them toward the back hall.

I follow at a slower pace, my mind whirling with possible next steps. I’ve already combed through Grady’s laptop, but if Chloe told him about her forced courtship, I found no reference to it.

I pause in front of Chloe’s suite, my hand on the closed door. It remains the same as the day of her accident. I had gone in to find Chloe’s wallet, so I had the information for the Registration Office, and her cell phone in case she tries to reach out that way. Otherwise, it’s become a shrine, waiting for her return.

Turning away, I walk across the hall and open the door to the study. Once the resort officially opens, it will be for guest use.Until then, it’s close to Quinn so we’ll know if she sneaks out of her room.

I sink onto the couch and rest my head against the back cushion, closing my eyes. Sleep has been scarce since Chloe vanished from the hospital. Every time I lie down, my mind floods with my brief time with the pretty Omega.

I regret how my insecurities as an Alpha held me back, regret my spurts of jealousy when she smiled at Blake instead of me.

Had I known our time together would be cut short, I would have thrown myself into pursuing her the way Blake did. He has all the confidence that I lack. He was so certain from the very start that Chloe was the Omega meant for our pack. I should have trusted his instincts and pushed harder when Chloe opened up to me about her troubles with her mother.

If I had, maybe she would have ended her courtship with Louie sooner, and she wouldn’t be gone from Misty Pines. Because of my inaction, she’s out there somewhere with that bastard, and we’re helpless to do anything about it.

I clench my fists, my nails biting into my palms. The pain comes as a welcome distraction from the turmoil in my head, the sickening churn of worry.

I should have been there for her. Should have protected her, the way a true Alpha would. Instead, my insecurities held me back and let my fear of rejection override my duty to keep her safe.

Trying to steady myself, I take in a shuddering breath. I can’t afford to fall apart now, not when Chloe needs me more than ever.

The cushion beside me sinks, and Blake’s head drops onto my shoulder. “You’re not the only one who feels helpless, you know. Dominic is running all over Pinecrest and Mosswood hunting for a lead, and Nathaniel’s snapping at everyone.”

A snort escapes me. “That’s not new for Nathaniel.”

Blake chuckles. “Fair enough.” He nuzzles his head against my neck. “My point is that this isn’t all on your shoulders. I’m worried that you’re going to make yourself sick.”

“I know.” I rub the ache in my chest. “I just feel like such a useless Alpha.”

Blake straightens, and my eyes open to find him glaring down at me. “You’re not useless, so stop thinking that. You’re the home we’re going to bring Chloe back to, and she won’t be happy to see you in your present state.”

I lift a hand to my scruffy chin. “Is that your subtle way of saying I look like shit?”

“Yeah, you look like shit.” He scans my face. “Have you eaten anything today?”

I turn my head away. “I’m not hungry.”

“That’s what you said at dinner last night, too.” He stands and grabs my hand, dragging me off the couch. “Come on.”

“Where are we going?” I ask as he pulls me out of the study.

“You’re going to go shave and wash your face.” Down the hall, he stops at the stairs and prods me toward them. “Then you’re going to come back down and eat the sandwich I’m going to whip up for you.”

“But I’m not hung?—”

His raised hand cuts me off, and he points at the landing above. “Up you go.”