Page 13 of Grumpy Mechanic

After another round in the shower and one more in his bedroom, every inch of my sexually sated body aches. The soreness is becoming too much to ignore, and to my delightful surprise,Chase goes out of his way to run me a hot bath. As I sit and soak, I can hear him working outside now that the rain has stopped.

I have no idea where he came from, but a part of me is grateful my steering wheel shaking led me to stop at his body shop. After I get out of my soak, my muscles are perfectly relaxed, and he continues to surprise me with his care and consideration. There's dinner waiting, and the tree is no longer blocking the back door in the kitchen.

Where does he get the energy?

He moves like a machine, a machine that's now programmed to make me come all over him. There's no way I can talk shit now after these past few days together. I find myself not wanting to leave and wanting to prove I can be useful around here. So that's what I do.

Even though my phone shows signs of water damage, it has enough juice to let me take pictures around the home. Once I collect the information I need to give him a decent appraisal, I give my dad a call and have him come get me. As I wait for him to arrive, Chase comes inside just as I'm leaving him a note.

"So you were just going to dine, dick, and dash on me, Maddie?" The corner of his mouth turns up slightly, flashing me a shallow dimple in his cheek.

"I didn't know if you were out saving every damsel in distress, and I do have to get back to some semblance of normalcy. It doesn't matter how bad I want to stay in our little bubble out here."

He nods. "I get it. Your car isn't going to be ready for a few weeks. It's going to need some parts that I'll have to drive to the next town over and get."

"Honestly, Chase, you might have to hold off on that. The same way you asked me about this house … like you, I'm learning to let go. So, how about you give me an estimate when you get a chance? No rush. If it's cheaper to junk it or sell it for spare parts, then I'll do that. I know the interior is disgusting, and once it dries, flooded cars never quite smell the same. Let's just salvage what we can."

"I'll do whatever you want, Maddie."

"Is that so?" I ask, moving closer toward him and letting my hand hover close to his crotch.

Chase lifts his knee and puts his hands out to stop me. "Oh no, you don't. Didn't you say your dad is on his way? I'm not going to let you convince me to get caught with my pants around my ankles. He'll probably kill me when you come down with a cold because you wanted to ride me like a witch's broom in the rain."

"I loved that movie, too."

He chuckles and runs his fingers through his hair. "Because there's no place like home."

"Exactly, which is why I need to go to mine."

"I get it," he says. "I've been keeping you here, taking care of you so much that I forgot you'd have to leave."

"I can always come again and then come back."

"That mouth of yours is something dangerous, Maddie. Why don't you let me put something in it?"

"You mean besides your dick, right?"

I love the way his laugh engulfs me and sends warm feelings down my body.

He sighs, "Yes. I mean, let me take you out on a date. I know we did a few things out of order, but what do you say? Will you go out with me, Madison Monroe?"

"Well, when you use my entire name like that, how can I turn that down? When?"

"Whenever you're free and not too sore. I'd like us to get to know each other better. We already have similar tastes in movies. How about next Friday?"

I smile. "I can make that work. We can make it a movie night."

"I have an even better idea. Now, don't be discouraged because it's going to require you to do some homework."

"Oh, so are you going to be my teacher, and I get to be the failing student willing to doanythingto get a passing grade?"

He laughs loudly again. "My God, that mouth."

"That's what he said."

"We're going to put that on our list of things to do, but for now, I just want to grow in love with you. I mean, get to know you. We'll each grab a dish from our favorite restaurant that we want each other to try, a movie we think the other hasn’t seen, and a few songs we want the other to hear."

"This actually sounds like fun. What do you have planned?"