Page 1 of Grumpy Mechanic


The melodic rumbling of my car shaking as I drive out of town to my newest listing doesn't give me the same vibes as listening to my favorite pop star belt out her list of ex-lovers. Even worse is the sound of the rumbling coming from under my car matches the vigorous gyrations of my steering wheel. This can't be good.

Luckily, there's a body shop and gas station coming up on the side of the road. Pulling my 2004 Honda into the place feels like the best thing to do right now. It's quiet, and while the lights are on, there's no sign of life.

"This is how horror movies start, Maddie," I whisper to myself as I take hesitant steps into the store attached to the body shop.

The bell chimes over the door as I look around for an employee. It's clean, and the items on the shelves look fresh enough. At least it doesn't look abandoned. Still, a zombie menace could pop out at any minute.

"Um, hello?" I call out as I approach the counter, where there's a door that obviously leads into the mechanic portion of thebuilding. My heart races with every step I take closer to the door. I just want to ask whoever is in charge to take a look at my car.

There are grinding noises coming from behind the door that make me nervous. It sounds like heavy machinery, but I can't be sure without stepping through the door. I don't want to take a chance to walk back there. I'm already behind the shop's counter.

"Excuse me?" I call out even louder into the noisy shout, keeping myself behind the door next to the counter and register. The machinery stops, but the wind outside is blowing something fierce. I need to get to the house I'm renovating and back home as soon as possible.

"What are you doing back here?" a deep voice questions from behind me.

A yelp escapes my throat as I whip around to see a handsome face behind the terrifying voice heavy with accusation.

"Holy hell, where did you come from? I'm, um, sorry," I spew out.

My mind is battling itself from lusting after this hunk of a man and outright terror because I psyched myself into thinking this is the setting of a jump scare. Finally, my voice pushes through my fear, and I smile. "My car is making a noise and rattling as I drive. I just wanted to know if someone was around to take a look at it."

Soft brown eyes take me in from head to toe, pulling my attention to the chiseled features of his face. An angular jaw rests under a beard just growing in and runs down over the bulge in his throat. He smells like motor oil and pine trees, and dirtsmudges over his jumpsuit and hands make him look like he's been fighting fires.

"You can pull it 'round to the garage," he mutters before stepping out of my way.

I can feel his penetrating gaze follow me out of the store, and I toss another smile over my shoulder.

"Thank you for doing this," I tell him.

"Well, I don't want you stranded out here." He huffs and walks by me to hold the door open.

The coldness of the afternoon air has nothing on his icy demeanor. I bring my car around the side of the building and into the garage. There are two seats next to the door where I park myself until the hunk of the mechanic gives me some good news. At least, I hope there is good news.

Thankfully, I don't have to focus on the handsome stranger too long as my phone rings. My dad's smiling face as he squeezes me and my sisters in his embrace flashes across my screen.

"Hey, Dad," I answer with far too much enthusiasm.

"What's wrong?" he asks immediately.

"Nothing, I swear it's not that bad."

Dad grumbles into the phone, "What happened, Maddie?"

"My steering column started shaking," I admit quietly.

"Didn't I tell you to junk that thing? Where are you? I'll close the practice up and come get you."

"No, Dad, don't be ridiculous. I'm at Chase Auto Body right outside of town. They're going to take a look at it. Those fur babies need you, so stay in the office, and if I need a ride, I'll call Kenny. She owes me a ride anyway," I smile as pictures of my sister and her new beau flash across my mind. Happiness looks good on her.

"Okay, well, call her now," Dad says. "There's a storm coming in, and I don't want either one of you out there. Those roads get sloppier than pigs taking mud baths. Call me when you get home, and look into junking that thing."

"Dad, you and Mom gave that car to me for my eighteenth birthday. I can't let it go," I tell him without saying it feels like I'd be letting Mom go if I got rid of the car.

"Maddie, darlin'. I love you, but that was six years ago. It's okay to let it go," he says, but even with his permission, I doubt I'll ever have the heart.

"I'll think about it, Dad. So, I have to go check on my listing to make sure the place is locked down before this storm comes in. I'm sure my car is fine, and I'll go right home?—"