There’s a vibration in my bones. I spin a circle and see them. The Order scouts. They’re using some kind of transports to herd us. Zipping in close, but not so close we can do anything about them.

“Move!” the Zmaj shouts. “They are closing in!”

Murmurs of fear and pained groans greet his order but no one protests. My heart beats faster looking back. So many humans. The last of our species, struggling across the shifting sands of this hell hole of a planet. I swipe my sleeve across my forehead.

“What’s your name?” I ask.

“Huh?” he grunts, looking away from the stragglers.

“Your name,” I say.

“You want to know this now?” he asks, a smile forming.

“Seems as good a time as any,” I say, then sigh. “We’re probably going to die. Figure if I’m going out, I should know who’s name to curse for not saving me in time.”

I smile, wryly, hoping he gets that I’m joking. The way his smile spreads, lighting up his face, and his tail patters on the sand, I think he does.

“Zamis,” he says, lowering his head.

The light of the moon glints on his horns. An impulse comes so fast and so hard I act without thinking. I grab onto his horns. Their thicker than a lot of Zmaj and I pull him lower. Tilting my head back until our lips meet.

He gives to the kiss, immediately. Without hesitation. There is nothing held back. His lips meld to mine. But when he tries to close his arms around me I step back.

“Save us first,” I say and laugh.

The confusion on his face shifts quickly to amusement.

“As you command,” he says, bowing with a flourish.

I spin on my heel and take off, feeling refreshed. The Outpost is right there. All we have to do is make it.



The mountain looms before us, cutting across the horizon like a serrated blade. My legs, though still heavy, find new strength as we approach what I hope is our salvation but may very well be our last stand.

“There,” Zamis points to a dark crevice barely visible against the mountainside. “The entrance.”

“You're sure?” I ask, squinting to make out what he’s indicating.

He nods, face grim as he looks back to check the progress of the others. He stares past them, towards the horizon. I follow his gaze but don’t see anything out there. Does he see better at night than I do? Dan catches up to us, breathing hard.

“Everyone's accounted for. The last stragglers are just coming over the final dune now.”

“Good,” Captain Nyanna says, walking up from behind. “Get them inside quickly.”

“I don't trust this lull,” I say and Zamis grunts.

“None of us do,” Nyanna says. “All we can do is get inside and hope that they’re ready to fight.”

The mountain entrance narrows as we approach, revealing itself to be a natural fissure that someone has widened and reinforced. Shana stands at the entrance, counting people as they file in. Her face is grim with exhaustion, but her eyes are alert.

“Are they ready for this?” I ask Zamis under my breath.

“As they can be,” he replies, his voice equally low.

“That’s not very reassuring,” I say, looking up at him.