(Was the Epilogue of Red Planet Fated Mates #9)


The sharp crack of metal on stone echoes off of the steel walls of the nearby generation ship as the wrench slips off the rusty bolt.

“Damn piece of shit,” I mutter angrily.

I put the wrench back onto the head of the bolt and pull back using my weight. The bolts have to be tight to make sure the makeshift transport sled will work. It needs to hold, or we’ll have even bigger problems than all the ones we already do.

Sweat drips off, dotting the sled and the fused sand but I ignore it. The Order is coming soon. We don’t know how long we have,but the fear is palpable. People running, here and there. Most of them are looking like they could break down in tears at any moment.

Shana, one of the human leaders, is yelling orders. Dan is over by the graveyard and barking commands. I glance between the two of them. It looks to me as if they’re working against each other, but what do I know?

“Ava, we have a problem,” a voice calls from behind.

Turning my head, Derek’s face is pale and drawn. He gestures off towards one of the other sleds. A group huddles around a young girl who is sobbing. The sled collapsed under the weight piled onto it and spilling the precious supplies across the black-fused sand. I exhale sharply and then hand my wrench to Derek.

“Finish this one, I’ll deal with it,” I say, rising and brushing my pants free of grains of sand.

Despite the seething I feel inside, I exude an air of calm. My anger isn’t directed at any of these people. They were doing the tasks assigned. They clearly either didn’t know what to look for or didn’t pay attention to the signs they were overloading it. The last thing we need right now is panic. Fear will get us nowhere.

“Alright, let’s fix this,” I say, keeping my voice steady.

I crouch next to the sled and see that the bolts holding the rail gave way. A shadow passes over and I instinctively put my hand on the knife strapped to my thigh.

“We won’t make it far with that workmanship,” a deep, gravelly voice says.

I look over my shoulder and up. And up, my breath catching. A Zmaj towers over. He has crimson tinged scales that blend withthe ruddy light of Tajss twin suns. His golden eyes study me with what looks like a mixture of curiosity and disdain.

“I didn’t ask for your opinion,” I snap, standing to meet his gaze. He is close. Too close, but I will not back down.

“You don’t have to,” he says, his voice rumbling like distant thunder. “This,” he gestures at the sled, “is ineffective and will only slow us down.”

My fingers curl into fists. I’m about to retort when the ground rumbles. Loose bits of sand dance over the solid blackened underlayer that was fused from the heat of our crash. A shrill whistle pierces the air.

“Get the children to the ship,” I yell, my voice cutting over all the noise and confusion.

The Zmaj tilts his head, his nostrils flaring.

“They’re close,” he says, voice low and tense. “Too close.”

I pull my blade, looking in the direction he is, at the cliff that drops to the ocean. The direction we expect the Order to come from. A moment later and I hear the whining of an engine then an airborne transport appears through the glare of the suns.

The sound of the airship is a loud whine. It races closer, passing overhead. As it does five Zmaj leap out, their wings snapping open and gliding down. The ship banks in a wide circle while the scouts land with drawn weapons. They move as a unit, tight and practiced.

My heart is racing, but the kids were not able to make it to safety. Tightening my grip on the blade I plant my feet, ready to fight.

“Stay behind me,” I order the group.

“Foolish,” the Zmaj next to me says in a low growl.

In a blur of movement, he steps ahead, his tail lashing the ground. He flares his wings, casting a shadow over me and the kids.

“I can handle this,” I say through gritted teeth.

“Can you?” he asks his tone laced with skepticism.