Page 46 of Orc's Pretend Mate

Virodah’s jaw tightens, and he nods once.

“There is no time to waste.”

“What do you mean no time?” Vapas snaps, his body coiled with tension. “If they know, they’ll hunt us no matter where we go.”

“Precisely why you’ll stay here—for now,” Virodah replies. “We’ll draw them off, lead them on a chase through the alleys. That should keep you safe.”

“You’re leaving us here?” I ask, my voice rising in panic.

“You’ll be safe,” Virodah says firmly. “But donotleave this building until we return. No matter what you hear.”

Before we can argue, he gestures for the scout to follow and heads out. The two of them disappear into the darkness beyond the door. It slides shut with a grim finality, leaving Vapas and me alone.

The silence that follows is suffocating, broken only by the distant sounds of shouting. My chest tightens with every passing second, the weight of our isolation pressing onto me.

Vapas’s hand brushes against mine, grounding me.

“We’re not stuck,” he says quietly, as if reading my thoughts. “We’re safe.”

But even as he says it, there’s an edge to his voice. He doesn’t believe it any more than I do.

A faint sound echoes through the building—a distant thud, followed by another. I freeze, straining to listen. The noises grow louder, closer, a rhythmic pounding that sends my heart racing.

“Do you hear that?” I whisper.

Vapas nods, his hand sliding to the hilt of his blade. “Stay behind me.”

The pounding stops abruptly, replaced by an eerie silence that feels far more menacing. My skin prickles as I glance toward the door, half expecting it to burst open at any moment.

And then it happens—a low, guttural growl, reverberating through the walls. It’s not human. It’s not Urr’ki.

“Vapas,” I breathe, my voice barely audible.

He steps closer to me, his body tense and ready. “We’re not alone.”

The growl comes again, louder this time, followed by the unmistakable sound of claws scraping against stone. Whatever is out there, it’s hunting us—and it’s getting closer.

“Stay quiet,” Vapas murmurs, his eyes scanning the shadows.



Ashiver races down my spine while I do all I can to not breathe too loudly. I worry the sound of my heart might attract whatever monster is outside. The scraping sound is coming closer and now there is a snuffling.

Vapas moves back and away from the front wall and door, keeping me behind him as he quietly shifts positions. When my back comes up against the rear wall I bite down on a gasp of fear.

The scraping sound is right outside the door. Through the slats I see a shadowy shape moving past. Vapas’ body presses against mine, shielding and protecting. I am looking under his arm to see the door. He draws the knife from his side, gripping it tight and crouching.


Someone outside yells and the thing on the other side of the door leaps. Claws clatter on stone then it’s gone. Neither Vapas nor I move, waiting. My heart is one hard thud after another thundering against my chest.

The tension leaves Vapas and he steps forward, giving me more room to breathe but also leaving a chill where his warmth was. He makes his way across the hovel with quick, silent steps. He presses himself against the wall next to the door, staring through an open seam. He stands for a long moment then another before he fully relaxes and steps away, nodding.

“It’s safe,” he says, motioning with his knife hand then stopping when he seems to realize it’s still in his hand. He grimaces and puts it in the sheath on his belt.

I take the opportunity to explore the room but there isn’t much to see. What little bit there is exists in various states of disrepair. The walls are makeshift pieces bound together by nails or even string in some places. There is a crude bed with worn rough spun blankets tossed haphazardly across it.