Page 2 of Orc's Pretend Mate

My face stings. I spit blood onto the floor. I’m angry but this is a fight I can’t win.


I look up, surprised and my tear-veiled vision making it hard to see. The home owner is blurred but he looms large. He spoke Zmaj.

“Vapas—” one of the Maulavi behind me says.

A rough-shod boot steps close. I tense, expecting to take that boot right into my guts or ribs. I scrabble to the side and as if on cue the boot follows until Vapas steps into the way.

“No,” Vapas says.

I flop over and onto my ass. I angrily swipe at the tears, clearing my vision the best I can. Vapas stands between me and the two Maulavi, one of them is in his face.

I’m behind Vapas so I can’t see his face but the look on both of the Maulavi tells enough of the tale. They glare with a mix of anger and disbelief. Moving slow I scoot trying to get a better view.

“You do not want to do this,” the one furthest away says.

“No. I don’t,” Vapas says.

They’re speaking Zmaj, which lets me follow along. I’m glad of that at least. It’d be even worse knowing they’re discussing my ultimate fate yet not having a clue what was being said.

“Stand aside,” the one in Vapas face says. “She must know her place.”

“Not like this,” Vapas says.

“You cannot speak to me like that,” the one in his face barks.

The other Maulavi walks over and places his hand on the shoulder of his compatriot. The other one jerks his shoulder free, but all the other does is put it back.

“The Shaman will hear about this.”

“I know,” Vapas says, and that heavy apathy is joined by resignation in his voice.

“Yet you defy me,” the violent one growls.

“No,” Vapas says, shaking his head.

“Good,” the violent one says, moving to step around Vapas, but Vapas puts his hand out and stops him.

“No,” Vapas says, shaking his head.

The violent one glares at Vapas' hand, slowly following along his arm until their eyes meet. He growls as he slaps the offending hand away. Vapas lets him but then puts it back as if nothing happened.

Vapas and the Maulavi glare. Well, the Violent one glares. Vapas looks but there’s an almost complete lack of emotion. Everything about him from his face to the way he moves screams that he’s going through the motions, but not invested in any of them.

The Maulavi takes a step back. Vapas’s arm drops to his side with the same languidness that infects everything about him. I watch in shock and surprise. Kinto had done nothing to protect me when the Maulavi came.

Kinto had never been mean but he had the same air of having given up that this one, Vapas displays. Yet Vapas isn’t standing by watching. He’s acting. Vapas sighs, blinking, and waits.

“You will keep her,” the other Maulavi says.

The violent one shifts his glare from Vapas to me. Back and forth until he stops on me.

“Do not get too comfortable,” he says. “The Shaman will want you soon.”

“Gee, thanks,” I say.

The most defiant I’ve been or felt since coming on this stupid mission. I never should have done this. I’m an idiot. Absolutely,completely stupid and my dumb decision is going to get me killed.