Page 16 of Orc's Pretend Mate

The air is damp and thick but refreshing after the staleness of being stuck indoors for days. It’s a world of muted shadows, scattered torches, and dimly glowing bioluminescence. The road is uneven and broken with wide cracks here and there from the recent quakes. We have to pick our way through piles of rubble that once were homes and shops, or so I imagine them to have been as I look around.

Urr’ki of all shapes and sizes move around us. Some are as massive and intimidating as Vapas, others smaller, sleeker. Some are moving along the street as we are while others are working to clear rubble. Still others are digging through the ruins of what was once theirs. All of them have an air of furtiveness. The feeling of apathy is as thick as the smoke that roils overhead, too thick for the cavern to vent out.

It’s overwhelming. I try not to gape as I rush to keep pace with Vapas as he strides purposefully through the streets. I feel their gazes lingering long after we’ve passed which makes my nerves tingle. I almost regret having come with him. Anyone of them could be a spy for the Maulavi. Any one of them could be or is a threat.

“Eyes forward,” he murmurs, his voice barely audible over the noise. “Pull up the hood.”

I snap my gaze ahead.

“Sorry,” I whisper, but he doesn’t respond.

The market opens up before us. It’s a chaotic swirl of colors, sounds, and scents. Many of the stalls have collapsed but between them are those that are still active. There are goods I can’t even begin to identify. Brightly glowing orbs, fabrics that shimmer like water, steaming trays of food that smell both enticing and alien. Urr’ki merchants hawk their wares, loudly. Each of them competing with the others to be heard and grab the attention of those out shopping.

Vapas moves with purpose, leading me to a corner of the market where the stalls are quieter and less crowded. He exchanges quick words with the vendor, his tone clipped and efficient. I stand behind him, feeling small and out of place, but oddly safe.

I glance around, taking in the market, the life, and the world outside of the four walls. I was sent here on a mission to learn as much as I can about the Urr’ki and this is the first time I’ve been outside one house or another that I wasn’t too terrified to look.

When Vapas turns back, his expression softens slightly. The merchant is watching. Too much watching. There is an intensity to his gaze, his narrowed, suspicious eyes taking in everything.

“This is what you wanted?” Vapas asks.

He’s holding out some kind of a vegetable. It’s not one I’ve seen before but looks kind of like an eggplant. That is if an eggplant was a vivid blue color that almost seems to glow. He frowns,pushing it forward as I hesitate. I blink then realize he’s playing a role and I’m failing on my part of it.

“Yes. Thank you.”

He doesn’t smile, but there’s a flicker of something in his eyes, something almost warm. He turns back to the merchant and they engage in what I assume is haggling. I may not speak their language but the harsh barking and the rising volume makes that seem pretty clear.

They finally agree on a price and Vapas digs into his satchel. He pulls out a small handful of what looks like iron triangles with a hole in the middle of them. He gives them to the merchant then puts the vegetable, or maybe it’s a fruit, into the satchel.

He grabs onto my arm and pulls me away from the stall. I dare a quick glance back only to see the merchant glaring in our direction. He’s rubbing his chin in a thoughtful looking gesture that makes my stomach churn with fear.

“Is something wrong?” I whisper.

“Everything,” he growls.

My mouth and throat are immediately dry. He is walking so fast I’m almost having to run to keep up with his much longer legs. Every step he takes I have to take two. As my thighs burn my frustration climbs.

On all sides Urr’ki are watching. Their eyes staring when they think I don’t see it. No direct looks. It’s all furtive glances and watching while pretending their doing something else. I see it, feel it, and know it, but the anger building doesn’t care. I stumble over a broken piece of the road and throw my hands up to protect my face.

Vapas grabs the back of my cloak and jerks me off my feet. It jars my head making me bite my tongue. The coppery taste of blood hits my tongue and it’s like gasoline on the coals of my anger. It flares fast and bright.

“Put me down,” I snap.

He sets me onto my own feet. I glare at him for a second then take off walking in the direction he had us going. He is at my side before I make more than a couple of steps. Of course he is. It’s one damn stride for him.

Angry, I step to the side. I know we’re in danger. I’m not stupid or an idiot, but I need some space. Only a little, damn it. I’m not a child.

No? Sure about that?

Darting my eyes around, I see that what were hooded glances have become open stares. A lot of the Urr’ki aren’t even bothering to try to hide that they’re watching. I spot two of them muttering to one another while they openly gesture towards us. Vapas steps so close that my arm is brushing against his.

“Do you want to get us both dragged before the Maulavi? Pretend better,” he whispers through tense lips.

The anger seethes. A sharp retort on my tongue, I snap my head around, ready to cut him with my words but the words die on my tongue when I see two Maulavi emerging from a stall and they’re looking right at us.