A strange weightless sensation takes over as the ground seems to rush up toward me—or is it me falling? My knees buckle, and I reach out instinctively, but my arms are sluggish, uncooperative.
Before I hit the floor he has me. I’m in his arms, which are bulging and strong. Veins standing out in his biceps. Why does he wear a sleeveless shirt? Is he showing off?
“Phoebe,” he says, his voice gruff.
He carries me to the couch and lays me gently down. The darkness recedes as blood returns to my head. My limbs tingle painfully, making me squirm in discomfort. He takes two steps back, close but also giving me space.
“Sorry,” I say, rubbing my face.
“Are you okay?”
“Uh,” I say, trying to figure out if I am okay or not. I really don’t know. I push up to a sitting position. “Yeah.”
He drops heavily into the seat across from me. The chair squeaks in protest at his weight. He leans forward, arms on his legs, head lowered so he’s staring at the floor.
“Good,” he says softly.
Neither of us say anything. I rub my face again moving my fingers through my hair as I roll my shoulders. I don’t know what that was.
Yes I do. I know that word.
That word I do know. The Zmaj have their ‘treasure’ which is what they call their fated mate. The Urr’ki call theirs ‘dragoste’, different word but same intent. And it comes with… a lot. Everything that a couple would do but… no. I can’t.
I can’t stop him.
And that’s what happened. If he decides he wants to, what am I going to do? He’s two, maybe three times bigger than me. Those bulging muscles aren’t just for show. There would be nothing I could do to stop him taking anything he wants.
Yet, he hasn’t. There is no denying he could, but he hasn’t. I know what he said though and I know what it means. Those two things aren’t coming together to make a picture. Moistening my lips I take a steadying breath and rush ahead.
“I thought you… did you say… I mean…,” I stumble over the words which should be simple but I can’t get them out of my head.
“Dragoste?” he asks.
I reluctantly nod. Push through girl. You got this.
“You know this word?”
“Uh, yeah,” I say then think better of claiming I do. I’ve picked up the meaning but no one has told me what it means, not exactly. “I mean. I think so.”
He nods and looks up for the first time, watching me with hooded eyes. He motions with his hands then drops them.
“It is the only way I see to protect you.”
“Protect me? You mean if I don’t… if we don’t…” I try to say it but my tongue refuses.
“Don’t?” he asks, shaking his head in confusion.
“You know, dragoste, have…”
I can’t finish the thought. Tears swell in my eyes and there is no holding them back either. I don’t want to do this but I also don’t want to die. And if that is what it takes, it’s better than the alternative isn’t it? How bad can it be? Let him get what he wants and then it’s over. At least I’ll be alive.
I’ve survived it before.
“Have?” he rumbles as he continues shaking his head. “I do not understand. Have what?”
Is he playing with me? Being deliberately obtuse? Isn’t it bad enough I have to do this? Can he not at least afford me a modicum of respect? But he stares with a blank look of no comprehension on his face.